I just tried to compile my Xojo 2014 r2.1 project file in the latest Xojo 2015 r1, and got around 100 error / warning messages:
Is Macoslib not compatible with the latest Xojo?
I just tried to compile my Xojo 2014 r2.1 project file in the latest Xojo 2015 r1, and got around 100 error / warning messages:
Is Macoslib not compatible with the latest Xojo?
I am using Macoslib with 2015r1 with no problem. When did you last download Macoslib?
Probably about a year ago?
You might try a fresh download of Macoslib and see if that fixes it.
I suppose I can try that, although I don’t think that will be the problem as I have not read anywhere that macoslib has been updated?
I am only using TT’s SmartPreferences but I am including the whole library and I am compiling without any issues.
I found exactly the same issues you’ve run into. Updating macoslib is the solution. Most recent update was 5 days ago.
Cool - thank you both!
I was using macoslib perfectly, until I tried 2015 r1 - then BOOM - error after error.
I will download the updated version now, and hopefully that dilemma will be solved
I recommend you follow them on Github as you will see they have been active lately with commits.
I already follow them on Github, but as it has been installed for over a year, I never check for newer versions
just re-downloaded and replaced the macoslib folder in my project.
I now only have one error displaying:
Any ideas how I solve this?
Thank you all in advance.
Basically you have two declarations with the same name that are both global…
Make one, or both, protected/private…
If you follow them then you should see their commit notifications… That means to pull again.
Also your GIT client should tell you when its time to pull again. Sourcetree does a nice job reminding me of this for example.
As I saw in the screen shots, you too loose navigation indentation between reboots / reloads !
Weird !
It was already global, so I changed it to protected, and that seems to have worked.
Now all I need to do is fix the RetinaKit issue, which the new framework seems to have broken