I just tested my app (built with Xojo 2019 R1.1 as an Intel only app) under the first beta of macOS 12 Monterey (21A5248p). Many things are working fine.
However, I am seeing issues where my app is using MBS Plugins WKWebViewControlMBS (MBS 19.0), where nothing shows up.
It’s early days of course, but if you are testing with macOS 12 and using MBS, I’d be curious if anyone else is having trouble with WKWebView?
It appears the issue is that the .TitleChanged even doesn’t always fire, and I was using that for JavaScript to Xojo communication. I am modifying my JavaScript and Xojo to use the didReceiveScriptMessage event, which seems to be working better. I will submit a demo once I isolate the issue.
Agreed. Let’s also wait on reporting Xojo bugs until at least three public macOS betas are out as many early issues usually get worked out on their own.
True, but lots of the issues that are in the first three or four public betas of macOS each year do get resolved by Apple. We don’t really want to waste time to work through reports about things that are going to be fixed without our intervention.