macOS 64 bit build on Windows?

And further there was never the ability of developing Mac 64 Bit from Linux this incident is not temporarily in my view. Llvm may change the linker but nobody knows when and if nobody knows what it will be able to do. Following the llvm project this 64 Bit problem is there now for years. We use in other projects also llvm and know it’s problems. But it makes clear that there will not be a temperarely delivered mac64 for Windows and Linux. Sorry that I will not buy temporarily. It is a long time incident

Yes, you do.
If you want to distribute for Mac, you need a Mac.
And with Silicon coming out, you probably need a Silicon Mac eventually.
That’s the situation no matter what language you develop with.
If you are selling, this is a cost of trading, and offset against your profits/tax.
For what it’s worth, I’ve never managed to build a working Windows app from my Xojo Mac either, and no longer bother trying.
I code on Mac and build for the Mac on a Mac.
Then I take the code and I build for Windows on Windows
Sell for both, need both.

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200% true !

I am happy that most of my Desktop apps are java while no problem on Mac.

But this do not remove the testings on all running targets.

Do you buy a software if its developer told you it does not have debuged it on your running platform ? (if that application never ran on Linux ?)

For this I have freelancers and for usability studies I have usability testers. And yes. For usability studies I will not test especially for every platform. And with Java there is often no Problem. First debugging in Linux completely and after this testing other platforms is the way to do.

So, develop, release and pray ? :wink:

Why? When I am giving it to my testers it is not develop and pray I have to say. But may be it is for you? My testers are employees and it is their job to test what they get to test. Debugging is not all the time a single man job. Would not be possible. And until now I had no platform specific error. One point of java is exactly that. You have to test the modules you are using and debug them. The resulting software costs much less time in debugging cause it is simply more stable from the beginning. What is the sense behind testing and debugging parallel on all platforms. Non of my customers was getting untestet software

What caused the issues?

I do that all the time and have been for years… But I don’t use Microsoft specific technologies except for some declares in #if XojoVersion blocks.

Is that where you run into problems?


This I completely agree with. Although I have no need for yet another machine, an Apple Silicon Mac will be high on the list of must haves when it is released. I just hope they sneak an ARM Mac Mini in the lineup sooner than later…


Considering that the Apple Silicon Dev kits are Mac Minis, my confidence is high that they will be providing one in the not too distant future.

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And I don’t know the answer to this, but maybe it is relevant too:

Even if you compile and link successfully from another OS like Linux, can you code-sign and notarize? Because if you cannot, then it makes it hard to distribute widely anyway.

Since I use macOS and App Wrapper 3 to skip these hassles, I don’t pretend to know much about the process and if you can code sign without using the Apple tool to perform the signing. And somehow I suspect Apple only releases that for macOS.

I could be wrong though…

I cant recall specifics (last tried a year or two ago), but building for 32bit got me a folder full of stuff that didn’t run when installed, although building same code on Windows did.
And building 64bit didn’t finish compiling after 4 hours on Mac, and ‘blew up’ the Windows machine. (memory?)
I have my working solution, though. No interest in wasting more time revisiting it.

What is really making me upset on you is that you are not reading. Or that you can not. I am not giving out sourcecode to my testers. And therefore I am compiling it.

That is true in the ideal sense but not reflective of real world practice for academic or public sector “citizen developers”. I’ve said before that I think marketing needs to be more clear on this point that the only platform the IDE actually does as advertised (i.e. compiles for all platforms) is the Mac. I use a Mac so that’s great for me but it’s bordering on false advertising to make these claims for your Windows and Linux users.


I have to relativstem a misunderstanding of my tränenreichere: I am not giving out to beta testers!! Without testing in our test department!! Because I need to test before building releases. For this I am building up a logging System for the tester editions cause we have to test on several platforms like raspberry pi, our own arm platform, windows, Linux and six. Therefore I brought up a strict cross platform programming system. All libraries used are to collect for each is. Worst case would be that it crashes at start. Normal is: no platform depending errors. Software itself we are debugging with the development. I don’t think that citizen developers have this kind of infrastructure at all. But giving out software to betatesters would never be my business.

Hallo ,
I dont think, its a good idea to develop, test, deploy SW, where you dont have the real Hardware and OS.

Today a lot of things are possible via virtualisation, but that is still not the same as having the target HW and OS:

If you dont want to buy new hardware, why not trying used or refurbished one.

BR Rainer

Who knows?

Thats why I hsve a test department in my company. Exactly that’s why I haven’t been haapy cause of the leak of Mac compiling. We aren’t citizen developers we are developing in this wise c,c++,Ruby,Delphi,Java,Python and not xojo because you can not compile it from the build platform. Has nothing to do with release, has to do with build!!! And how doing it on pi and later pi 64 bit??? Not possible at all. There is the need of and that’s promised and that’s it. I am paying lots of money for and so I want to have what I paid. Not hard to understand

Money: to earn a lot of money, you have to spent much more money…
Btw: crossplatform : what ever it will be… its not only about coding, its also about usability.

Im now 30 years in this bus, and Im still dreaming about having a one box fits for all.
But: in times of connected living and driving: does it make sense to do everything with one tool ?

Some years ago I did big things with J2EE. So my 1st idea was to do the same for my infrastructure. Everything has to be Web.

The funny side of it: as we are in a huge company network I do it on a fat client base, and the data is pushed via cronjob as static pages.

It took me a long time, to do it simple and bulletproof…

And crossplatform : if you are hungry you can have simple food or take the time to have a real meal which makes also your soul happy…

Rainer …