Hi…I have a Xojo-created Mac app (unchanged for months) that includes a few ListBoxes, which normally had horizontal gridlines to make it easier to differentiate the multiple lines in the ListBox. It appears that in the latest Mac OS update, these grid lines have disappeared. Anyone have a clue what’s going on? Thanks!
All that we currently know on the matter is here: https://forum.xojo.com/44111-high-sierra-bp2-listbox-thindotted
I recommend doing your own custom painting of alternating backgrounds (the code for this, and it works, is in the documentation). Alternating rows are easy to see, and don’t seem to be affected by High Sierra at this time.
Thanks Tim! I’ll consider your suggestion, but hope Apple fixes things fast. Thanks for the pointer!
Ken: what Apple macOS version # ?
Apparently the problem began with the release of Mac OS 10.13.4 (though if you look at the link Tim posted above, it appears the problem was also visible on some earlier beta versions too?)
I saw the trouble in a beta and it disappears on the next, so I stopped to download / install new beta to test.
I do not install the released version.
Just curious.
[quote=380875:@Tim Parnell]All that we currently know on the matter is here: https://forum.xojo.com/44111-high-sierra-bp2-listbox-thindotted
I recommend doing your own custom painting of alternating backgrounds (the code for this, and it works, is in the documentation). Alternating rows are easy to see, and don’t seem to be affected by High Sierra at this time.[/quote]
i use the alternate color tooo for ages… and have different alternate color to mean you have action like double click , right click to get contextual menu etc and another color for thing that are read only.
(months later)…so a while ago, I posted this…“Hi…I have a Xojo-created Mac app (unchanged for months) that includes a few ListBoxes, which normally had horizontal gridlines to make it easier to differentiate the multiple lines in the ListBox. It appears that in the latest Mac OS update, these grid lines have disappeared. Anyone have a clue what’s going on? Thanks!”
Well, I’m running now on Mac OSX 10.13.6, and my old app still does NOT display the listbox gridlines. But, if I recompile my app now with the latest 2018r2 of Xojo, I notice the newly compiled app now DOES have the gridlines as they should.
I’m just curious, who fixed what? Apple or Xojo? Did the newer version of Xojo use some kind of workaround to get gridlines back? I’d assumed from reading the above thread, that the problem was on Apple’s end, and they would fix it.
Anyone know why it appears to work fine now on newly compliled apps?