MAC OS Lib and

Dear people who know about such things… am I correct in assuming that the Core.Audio services of Mac OS Lib have not been ported/classed as part of this Lib? Or am I missing something?

If this has not been added does anyone know of plans to do so?

TIA :slight_smile:

I would highly recommend looking in our MBS plugins. Playing back with low level APIs will not work with declares as callbacks can’t be coded in Xojo without risking crashes.

AFAIK most of Core Audio is 64bit only so we can’t declare to it until Xojo has 64bit (which I think is very soon).

However the Audio Toolbox portion has 32bit. I have code for this, some clean some sloppy, if you’re interested.

+1 for the MBS Plugins.

[quote=198311:@Doug Smith]Dear people who know about such things… am I correct in assuming that the Core.Audio services of Mac OS Lib have not been ported/classed as part of this Lib? Or am I missing something?

If this has not been added does anyone know of plans to do so?

TIA :)[/quote]

If you don’t see it, then you’re not missing anything. I don’t have any particular interest in CoreAudio, but if you or someone else does, then it could certainly be added to MacOSLib if you want to implement it, or fund its implementation.

[quote=198311:@Doug Smith]… am I correct in assuming that the Core.Audio services of Mac OS Lib have not been ported/classed as part of this Lib? Or am I missing something?

for audio
macoslib has NSSound/AVAsset/AVMetadataItem Example.
OpenAL is built-in on OSX

Guess I didn’t know far enough :slight_smile:

Long time ago I tried and failed to declare to AV Foundation and was told it’s because it’s 64bit only.
Something must of changed or my memory is wrong.

So none of the MacOSLib authors are interested in audio? Hard to believe, audio is so much fun and there’s many more bells and whistles than in Audio Toolbox.