Mac Big Sur dext installation

Has anyone had any success deploying a dext driver on Big Sur Macs?
We currently have a kext driver that we have built into an installer, signed, notarized etc.
However they are not supported by Big Sur .

According to Apple

"Instead of installing system extensions using an installer, you ship system extensions inside your app’s bundle and install them from your app.

*System extensions reside inside your app’s Contents/Library/SystemExtensions folder. *
To start the activation process for your system extension, create an activation request by calling the [activationRequest(forExtensionWithIdentifier:queue:)]"

// Create an activation request and assign a delegate to
// receive reports of success or failure.
let request = OSSystemExtensionRequest.activationRequest(forExtensionWithIdentifier: driverID,
queue: DispatchQueue.main)
request.delegate = self

// Submit the request to the system.
let extensionManager = OSSystemExtensionManager.shared

My question is how can I do all this with a xojo app.

Thank you

I would suggest talking to Christian Schmitz.

Will do, thanks Beatrix

Apple is killing off Kexts, from Kernel extensions in macOS

Kernel extensions in macOS

Starting with macOS 11, if third-party kernel extensions (kexts) are enabled, they can’t be loaded into the kernel on demand. Instead, they’re merged into an Auxiliary Kernel Collection (AuxKC), which is loaded during the boot process. For a Mac with Apple silicon, the measurement of the AuxKC is signed into the LocalPolicy (for previous hardware, the AuxKC resided on the data volume). Rebuilding the AuxKC requires the user’s approval and restarting of the macOS to load the changes into the kernel, and it requires that the secure boot be configured to Reduced Security.

Important: Kexts are no longer recommended for macOS. Kexts risk the integrity and reliability of the operating system, and users should prefer solutions that don’t require extending the kernel.


HI Robert,

That is correct, kexts will not work on Big Sur. We are trying to implement a new dext (System Extension) instead.
