LR shortcut disappears by itself…

Once again, this night, I set the Language Reference keyboard shortcut (Cmd-?), and when I checked a minute ago, it disappeared again.

What happens ?

Sonoma / Xojo 2021r2.1

The two screenshots have been done with the Xojo Preferences window Open (but I changed nothing !)

A bug report has been made for this issue.

I’m pretty sure xojo 2021 does not work on sonoma correctly…
please try with actual xojo.

Thank you JUean-Yves,

I do not have troubles with Sonoma.

In fact, I searched (after Arnaud suggestion) and found a bug report that is two years old that… I WROTE !

PS: it tooks me… thirty minutes to found where, in Xojo Preferences, I can set a keyboard shortcut.

About the current release (recent releases):
there are too many changes for a tiny brain like mine.

I can use Xojo 2021r2.1 nearly freely… most of my projects are used on an El Capitan Intel i5 laptop (compiled and used there). Later version add far more troubles while loaded on the older version I use there.

Imagine, I was not able to set three words to bold in a TextArea (yesterday): the whole textArea contents was Bold until I used StyledText (thing I never used since 1998-05 when I started to use REALbasic.).
Time to rest.

I just wanted to say that using xojo <2023 with sonoma can only lead to troubles…
if you want to have the least trouble possible, don’t use xojo 2021 with recent macos…
it will free your mind !

Isn’t Command-? linked to the Search function on the Help menu? Pretty sure this is standard across all apps.

This one:


Check with Firefox, for example…

The search function is… F (for FIND)… so Cmd-F.

No, not “search the page”, “search the help system”. See the image I posted.

I watched it. No shortcut.

It doesn’t show but it does react to that keystroke. Pressing command-? Pulls that menu down and places the cursor in that search field. The official shortcut is listed as Command-Shift-/, which is the same as Command-?. It is set in System Preferences, Keyboard, Keyboard Shortcuts, App Shortcuts:

I can’t type ? without using Shift, so Command-? is really Command-Shift-/ for me.

Pressing this combination in Chrome, I get this:

Pressing this combination in Xojo, I get this:

I suggest you change your shortcut to Command-/ instead. As the Command-Shift-/ (Command-?) is used by the system Help.

There’s a more recent one:

Not in my tests, reported in the issue 74757. Pressing ⌘-? (which involves the shift key on my system) just produces a beep. It used to work before.

On my layout, ⌘⇧? has nothing to do with ⌘⇧/. “/” is “⇧7” and “?” is “⇧-key at right of 0”, so there’s definitively no relation there (I mean, the bug happens without ? and / being related).

Thank you, I don’t have a keyboard to test that as I need to use ⇧/ in order to get ?.
In Chrome if you do a ⌘? does it show the Help search for it? Does Xojo too? (you get the same as my screenshots?) if so, then it makes sense not to assign ⌘? to something that the macOS uses to display the Help - Search for the application you are using.

You can always change the software layout, if you once want to try. But that’s not always easy to work with that.

I don’t have Chrome, but I tried in Safari, the Finder and Firefox. I either get nothing or just a beep.

Yes, it does the same.

No. You can see my screenshot in the issue reported. There’s no shortcut shown in the menu item (even after re-setting it).

I’d tend to agree (if this is the real cause, of course). However, I hate it when the OS screws a shortcut I’m accustomed to.

Well, I just made a test: in a blank project, I added a menu item (e.g. in the Edit menu) with a shortcut of ⌘? and ran. The shortcut indeed disappears from the menu item (and, of course, ⌘? doesn’t work; in my case, I hear a beep).
So, perhaps it’s a MacOS “feature” of trying to map ⌘? to the Help search box, but if it doesn’t work for some users and just produces a beep (or nothing), it wasn’t worth forcing everyone to that way.
I’ll check in System Settings whether there’s an optional setting…

Thanks for your inputs.

Here, cmd-? gives me the Help menu in Finder, Safari, Usenapp, and BBEdit.

While on my keybaord, cmd-? happens to be the same as cmd-shift-/ that is not the case, apparently, on all keyboards. Therefore the shortcut cmd-? means (as it does for all shortcuts), press whatever key(s) would give you a ? in a text editor, and add cmd to that. Simples.

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Fair enough. On UK and US keyboards / and ? are the same key. Thus my descriptions. If you look in System preferences what is the All applications > Activate help menu set to?

I’m running Catalina. So I suppose it must be:

System Preference → Keybaord → Shortcuts → App Shortcuts

which has one entry in All Applications. That is “Show Help Menu” and the shorcut is cmd-shift-/

But perhaps it shows cmd-? on other keyboards.

Same on macOS Sonoma. It doesn’t show ? on UK / US as it shows the native key, as you say “cmd-shift-/”. Other key layouts I’ve seen ? is still a shift key . For example Swiss layout has Command-shift-’ as ?, I’m wondering if that becomes the help menu shortcut on Swiss systems or does it stay with Command-shift-/


This will cause conflict if I select ⌘? for a Xojo Documentation shortcut.

It’s set to ⌘⇧/.
It now looks like an OS bug, where it erroneously suppresses ⌘? even on localisations where ? and / aren’t the same keys.
So I unchecked the “Show help menu” checkbox in System Settings, relaunched Xojo (it was needed) and the ⌘? shortcut works again.
I’ll definitively either change the shortcut in System Settings or leave it disabled.

Thanks for pointing us in the right direction.