Looking for unique number of Base X

After all the examples given, I need to give something back. The contributions are sort of like making a pie; lots of ingredients go in, get mixed around, and the end result is something tasty.

While Matthew was so generous with his code/examples I was looking and looking for various solutions and found:

I put permutations in the search box and was presented with code examples in many, many languages. It took me a minute to continue because I got kinda misty seeing all my old friends. I started with FORTRAN in 1966 and have worked with so many languages. Now a lifetime of different syntaxes is more a hindrance than a help. Along the way, this young whippersnapper of a language appeared called “C”. I thought, “Just another syntax, wonder how long that will be around?” and didn’t bother to learn it. What did Scully (Dana) tell Mr. Bruckman, “There are misses and then there are misses.”

Back to permutations … I hope this isn’t heresy but at this stage, I’m more comfortable with my “first” language, FORTRAN. So I popped the example below into Simply Fortran. It generated all 12! in about 6 seconds. Then I read my 6.2GB file of pre-generated 12! (thanks to Matthew) numbers. that took 126 seconds.

So it’s faster to generate them on the fly than it is to read them from a file.

Rosetta/permutations/FORTRAN gave a speed program with four different algorithms. The example below uses the fastest of the four.

**** WARNING **** This is FORTRAN CODE

program Base12Solver

implicit none
integer nmax
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ida

integer i
integer(8) ic
integer clock_rate, clock_max, t1, t2
real(8) dt

! Beginning:
nmax = 12
allocate ( ida(1:nmax) )
do i = 1, 12
ida(i) = i

write(*,200) ida
200 format(12I3)

ic = 0
call system_clock ( t1, clock_rate, clock_max )
! 1) counting the number of permutations
ic = ic + 1
! 2) writing out the result:
! do i = 1, nmax
! write (100,"(i3,’,’)",advance = “no”) ida(i)
! enddo
! write(100,*)
! repeat if not being finished yet, otherwise exit.
if ( nextp(nmax,ida) ) then
call system_clock ( t2, clock_rate, clock_max )
dt = ( dble(t2) - dble(t1) )/ dble(clock_rate)

write(,) ‘Total permutations :’, ic
write(,) ‘Total time elapsed :’, dt
! …
function nextp ( n, a )
logical :: nextp
integer,intent(in) :: n
integer,dimension(n),intent(inout) :: a
! local variables:
integer i,j,k,t
i = n-1
10 if ( a(i) .lt. a(i+1) ) goto 20
i = i-1
if ( i .eq. 0 ) goto 20
goto 10
20 j = i+1
k = n
30 t = a(j)
a(j) = a(k)
a(k) = t
j = j+1
k = k-1
if ( j .lt. k ) goto 30
j = i
if (j .ne. 0 ) goto 40
nextp = .false.
40 j = j+1
if ( a(j) .lt. a(i) ) goto 40
t = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = t
nextp = .true.
end function

end program Base12Solver

Dang it - need a longer edit window :grinning:
When I filled the array in my example, I should have used 0 to 11 instead of 1 to 12
The fill loop should be ida(i) = i - 1
as shown below
do i = 1, 12
ida(i) = i -1