I’m looking for a good solution to write to a file, and read back in, an object hierarchy and dictionary. Anyone have good recommendation of something simple to use, perhaps using XML, Json, MBS, or hand-crafted code?
Do you mean that you want to serialize objects? If so, this might help:
[quote=396557:@Kem Tekinay]Do you mean that you want to serialize objects? If so, this might help:
https://github.com/ktekinay/Data-Serialization [/quote]
Many thanks @Kem Tekinay . This is great and very useful technique , going to add it to my framework for inter process communication.
Many years ago I did a project in Smalltalk using CORBA, times seem to revive.
@Kem Tekinay
I incorporated your fantastic Serializer_MTC class into my framework and it works great.
For Windows and Linux application using the new framework is probably not the best performing solution. As they have notified us that the New Framework gets phased out already, wouldn’t it be a good idea to do some rewriting in this class too ?
Sure, just submit it back to the project as a pull request against the develop branch when ready.
Oh, you meant me…
Since you are the godfather of this very useful project, YES.
Eh no, in the first place I would like to consult you as a dictionary / json specialist if it would make sense to invest the time of rewriting the code towards the classic framework only. (if possible anyway).
The performance is good enough for my project, but it isn’t super fast, so I was thinking how much performance profit would be realized.