Looking for advice with threads and URLConnections

I have a web app that hits up multiple different APIs to collect data and add it to a database. Each API’s data goes into its own staging table in the DB for later processing. The app has a timer that launches a thread to get the data through a single URLConnection and each API is hit up sequentially.

I want to modify the app so that each API has it’s own thread. What are the pros and cons of having the URLConnection as a thread property vs. keeping an array of URLConnections at the app level?

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The events will fire on the main thread anyway so you might as well keep the array.


That is, unless SendSync is used in the thread. Then you won’t get events at all.

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yes good question, thanks for asking., ram management/ cpu usages ?

so this got me thinking, because i need to do the same thing, i read fast at first, you meant you init url connection/ threads one by one, and you wait for server result to triger other data query ?

Currently the part of the app that does all the real work is in a single thread. That thread uses a single URLConnection to get the data from a single API, then the thread processes that data and inserts it into a database. Once it’s done with the first API, it then does the same thing with the next API. The calls to the various APIs are hard-coded into the Run event of the thread.

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@Thom_McGrath I actually am using SyndSynch with the current single-thread version of the app.

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Then I’d say you want at least one thread. You don’t want to be blocking your main thread while waiting for the request.

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Since Xojo Threads are cooperative and do not leverage multiple cores, a more efficient model might be to use Workers.


I had thought of that, but I have not worked with workers yet. I think I’ll try the threads first and if I don’t get what i’m looking for i’ll give the workers a try.

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Because of Thread context switches, you’d probably get better results from this scheme:

  • Array of URLConnections that use Send.
  • Start a Timer that checks an array, ReceivedData.
  • The ContentReceived event adds its data to ReceivedData.
  • The Timer processes the ReceivedData array.

Or something like that.


In any case, when processing the data if you run the risk of having to run more than a few milliseconds, make sure you call App.DoEvents or App.YieldToNextThread periodically to give active sessions the time they need to communicate with their connected browsers.

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OOPS. DoEvents should only be used if it’s a console or web app.

Currently, workers are super primitive:

  • There is no way to check if the workers are still running.
  • If the result of the workers is too large the app will choke on the data. This bug is scheduled to be fixed for 2022r3.
  • The app and the workers are directly coupled which makes integrating workers into a complex app really not nice.
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Thanks for all the advice, everyone. A lot of good info that I hadn’t really thought of. There is so much I don’t know :slight_smile: