London SuperGroup - Kickoff Meeting

Tonights the night kiddies - come along!!!

I’ll be heading down from Cambridge; looking forward to seeing folk.

I’ll bring a copy of the software I’ve written to typeset crosswords. Pure Xojo; nothing boundary-breaking, but still not a bad little tool.

fabulous :slight_smile:

I’ve got my custom tab bar control to walk people through.

You’ve got a custom bar tab? Does that mean we all get free drinks?

no… no… no… no… not what I meant at all!!! :slight_smile:

I Will take mine on this side of the pond… :slight_smile:

Twist Pats arm at XDC 2015 :stuck_out_tongue:

Not happening, no matter how much you guys beg :wink:

20 of us - 1 pat

Have fun at the meeting

An enjoyable evening - and Pat even bought me a drink. Looking forward to more in the future; hope to see other UK-based bods there.

sssshhhhhh - don’t tell everyone!!!

meetings or drinks?

or both?

is it 7th every month then, i missed yesterday?
