Circumstances conspired for a false start this month however, we’re off and running now! Please join us for the London area kick off meeting!
Who: Everyone who wants to come along! What: Monthly Meeting When: Tuesday, October 7th, 2014 7pm to 10pm Topic: This is a kick off meeting so it’ll be introductions & to discuss what people want from monthly super group meetings going forward. Just bring yourselves and some ideas. Where:
The Champion
12-13 Wells Street
(Near Oxford Circus, we have a separate room upstairs - food available)
If you can let me know if you are coming along - it’ll help me with numbers. Thanks.
[quote=127870:@Norman Palardy]SuperGroup ?
My! What hubris :P[/quote]
Well UserGroup seemed somewhat overused - thought we’d be a bit different.
[quote=127882:@Christian Schmitz]I would love if Xojo Inc would do an European conference
Maybe USA in spring and Europe in fall?
(even if they can’t effort to bring whole team to Europe for event)[/quote]
Absolutely! I know you put in a LOT of work on a European conference but a lack of an official Xojo European conference isn’t a good thing IMHO.