Localization Abbreviation Help? :)

Strange how the “Jeu” seems to shift left. But it must be due to the font. The rest is good.

Thanks Michel… Ill also see what I can do to the left side. Thanks!

Is this better?

Mike, it looks like there might be an extra space at the end of the “Jeu” which is causing it to shift to the left when it is centered.

Its probably OK. I am sure it is due to the particular shape of the J, as well as the V starting the next field.

When designing fonts, this is addressed by changing spacing between letters depending on their shape. For instance, LV and PJ are cases when the second letter tends to shift left and go within the first letter space to look better. It is particularly apparent for J.

If you replace “Jeu” by “Mer”, I am sure spacing is good. I would not worry too much about that !

Thanks guys. Jason I will check that but I believe Michel is correct. Thanks again!!

In Spanish (Monday to Sunday):
Lu / Ma / Mi / Ju / Vi / S / Do

If you want to use three letters (which seems less usual to me):
Lun / Mar / Mi / Jue / Vie/ Sb /Dom


Three letter abbreviation for the days in Dutch is:
vry (officially it’s vrij, the ij is the Dutch one letter reproduction of y)

this is awesome how we (err I mean yall) are crowdsourcing the information on making the calendar picker multilingual/international. This community (Xojo) is very friendly and very eager to help each other. Other communities are not at the same level.

Thank you all that are helping Mike make the picker multilingual/international.


Actually, I feel that our help is quite small in comparison to the effort that Mike is putting into it. We are all indebted to Mike for his contribution.

That said, +1 on your comment, Scott!

Thanks guys and I appreciate that. It also helps me as you all have pushed for additional features which makes my software better. That is also great for me. Thanks!

Swedish: (Not yet announced as the new global language but I’m working on it)

M (Mndag) = Monday
Ti (Tisdag) = Tuesday
On (Onsdag) = Wednesday
To (Torsdag) = Thursday
Fr (Fredag) = Friday
L (Lrdag) = Saturday
S (Sndag) = Sunday

In SWE there “should” be three letters but two is fine.

It truly is a valuable component you’re working on Mike.

I realize you probably don’t need Afrikaans translations at this point, but here are the translations just in case…


Ma (Maandag) = Monday
Di (Dinsdag) = Tuesday
Wo (Woensdag) = Wednesday
Do (Donderdag) = Thursday
Vr (Vrydag) = Friday
Sa (Saterdag) = Saturday
Sa (Sondag) = Sunday

Italian: :slight_smile:

Monday = Lu (Luned)
Tuesday = Ma (Marted)
Wednesday = Me (Mercoled)
Thursday = Gi (Gioved)
Friday = Ve (Venerd)
Saturday = Sa (Sabato)
Sunday = Do (Domenica)

January = Gennaio
February = Febbraio
March = Marzo
April = Aprile
May = Maggio
June = Giugno
July = Luglio
August = Agosto
September = Settembre
October = Ottobre
November = Novembre
December = Dicembre

I was hoping that the built-in rating system of OpenPhrase.org will give users the ability to make informed decisions about whether or not they want to use a particular translation. Personally I won’t consider using a translation unless it got a 5 star rating from peers. Given this, even when a translation got a 5 star rating, it doesn’t solve the issue about context/technical specific translations as you pointed out above.

There is a commenting mechanism built into OpenPhrase.org to provide context information when you request a translation. The idea is also that when a rating receives a less than 5 star rating, the translator should go back and fix any issues with a translation, after which it is then re-submitted for ratings.

Given all this, it is probably very unlikely that any “automated” translation service, no matter how well designed, will ever come close to translations done by professionals. OpenPhrase.org is merely a community website to get started with your translations or for hobby programmers, but if you are building commercial software responsible for your bread and butter, I would highly recommend to rather make use of a professional translation service.

(I’m always open to listen to ideas about features that could potentially improve the services provided by OpenPhrase.org).

Afrikaans months:

January = Januarie
February = Februarie
March = Maart
April = April
May = Mei
June = Junie
July = Julie
August = Augustus
September = September
October = Oktober
November = November
December = Desember

Thanks again All for your help. These are the languages I am implementing. IF you think any others should be included for this Xojo Community please let me know.

