Many frameworks are loaded automatically into an iOS app bundle, it seems, but not all. I have tried to decode the loadframeworks method from MacOSLib but this gives me a hard time. Have you been successful? Or would joining forces be a way? I could set up the base CFBundle and CFURL methods (and can at least see what frameworks are loaded now), but decoding the URLs does not really get clear.
Ulrich, what you describe is intriguing. I thought there was no dynamic libraries in iOS ?
In a way we should be able (at least when there’s 64bit) to load SpriteKit and other frameworks that are not loaded on app start. So maybe the term is a bit misleading as I am meaning frameworks in reality. Although they are dynamic libraries and can be linked, at least if I understand this article correctly.
If you like to play around, I can upload what I have made up so far at least you can examine the loaded libs in a Xojo.core.dict.
[quote=154210:@Ulrich Bogun]In a way we should be able (at least when there’s 64bit) to load SpriteKit and other frameworks that are not loaded on app start. So maybe the term is a bit misleading as I am meaning frameworks in reality. Although they are dynamic libraries and can be linked, at least if I understand this article correctly.
If you like to play around, I can upload what I have made up so far at least you can examine the loaded libs in a Xojo.core.dict.[/quote]
Could that have to do with the #import <sys/utsname.h>
example at the thread below ?
I thought that was a static library. It would certainly be nice to be able to link static libraries the way Xcode does it.
I don’t know how such a simple import would work without a wrapper, but I’m far from being an expert in framework things.
When you look into MacOSLib, there’s a Loadframeworks method that uses some CFBundle and CFURL methods which are available in iOS too. But all that handling with Ptrs and CFStringRefs put me in a mild confusion and I’ll probably have to sleep on it a few days.
If you like to have a look never mind the project name, I was just trying to find out if I could get some sight of another framework here’s what I made so far. On the first debugger stop you can examine xi() which holds the names of the loaded frameworks.
(Why is my Xojo suddenly saving in binary format? Hm
[quote=154214:@Ulrich Bogun]I don’t know how such a simple import would work without a wrapper, but I’m far from being an expert in framework things.
When you look into MacOSLib, there’s a Loadframeworks method that uses some CFBundle and CFURL methods which are available in iOS too. But all that handling with Ptrs and CFStringRefs put me in a mild confusion and I’ll probably have to sleep on it a few days. ;)[/quote]
I am amazed at your progress in matter of declares.
[quote=154217:@Ulrich Bogun]If you like to have a look never mind the project name, I was just trying to find out if I could get some sight of another framework here’s what I made so far. On the first debugger stop you can examine xi() which holds the names of the loaded frameworks.
(Why is my Xojo suddenly saving in binary format? Hm
That is very impressive.
Thanks a lot, Michel! How good our avatars are static and not realtime or you would see the loss of youth and hairs due to all the night shifts.
I just try to give an example on how easy it is to learn Xojo seeing that I’m into it for a year now only I think you can say some good progress is possible.
and there’s an error in it. Remove the -1 from
for q as uinteger = 0 to xa.Ubound
then all of the frameworks are shown.
Again confusing ubound and count
That is why mine vanished into thin hair
Even without declares, iOS is full of fun. Yesterday I wasted my whole day on provisional profiles. When I read the horror stories around, I realize I was even lucky. Today I tested on iPad the app I had been grooming in the simulator and on iPhone 5s for a month to install fonts in an iOS system. No luck. Seems the iPad does not quite react the same with HTTPSocket, in particular it is about twice as slow for certain things, and I was a bit tight with response times. So another day passed and I am nowhere near a flawlessly working solution.
Could iOS be better than Rubik’s cube and card houses combined ?
I know those days well, Michel. Like OS X (I cannot compare with Windows, you know it better) there’s many fascinating functions, but then there’s those tiny tripping hazards that can stop you for days.
Speaking of fascinating functions: Digging deeper into NSObject/UIView as Control base class on iOS, I stumbled upon the possibility to dynamically add/replace methods on class or instance level this looks like it can be done without custom subclasses. Would save a lot of time and hassle if that should work probably no event handlers on class level and forwarding the events via a instance dispatcher.
Like so often, I was completely puzzled about Apple’s docs having implemented resolveClassMethod and resolveInstanceMethod I
didn’t have the faintest what they are doing, but then I found this:
Sound very interesting, doesn’t it? Or has this method been tried in the past unsuccessfully? Or just a personal misinterpretation?
Oh, and another fascinating idea: There’s the PerformSelectorInBackground method which calls a method in a parallel thread. I haven’t tried this yet but when the other PerformSelector methods are working I wonder why this shouldn’t
I updated the link above to the newest version in case you like to give it a try.
If PerformSelectorInBackground were to call back into the runtimes I’d expect either weird bugs or crashes
Probably. But then, there’s still the PerformSelectorOnMainThread method which could be used for external communication from within a background thread. Theoretically, I am not sure if I will tackle this in the nearer future. Fascinating anyhow.