I’m starting to realize that ListBox might be able to do much more than the basic examples offered in the docs…
For example, I like alternating row colours. I also like a horizontal line between row items but the stock listbox properties don’t have alternating row colours and the line are too ‘severe’ …
I like it ‘softer’ like this example.
I don’t know how to make images show up in this forum… this is the link
This is how I made it:
Add event CellBackgroundPaint to your list box and then some code similar to this:
' ensure there are list items
If Me.ListCount > 0 Then
If IsDarkMode = False Then ' dark mode can make your color choices look bad so use different ones when dark mode is on.
' change the background color of alternate rows to light cyan when dark mode is off
If row Mod 2 = 0 Then
g.ForeColor = &cC0EDF4
g.FillRect(0, 0, g.Width, g.Height)
End If
' draw subtle light gray horizontal lines between the rows (much softer than the default listbox property)
g.ForeColor = &c808080 'e0e0eb
g.DrawLine(g.Height - 18 , 0, g.Width, 0)
' draw dark grey horizontal lines between the rows when dark mode is on
g.ForeColor = &c1f1f2e
g.DrawLine(g.Height - 18 , 0, g.Width, 0)
End If
End If
Edit (Paul): Fixed image URL.