I have a Listbox with several columns. Clicking on any of the cells for a line does trigger the Change() event; however only the cell in the first column shows as selected, not the entire row. Programmatically selecting the line (aListBox.listIndex = n) also has the same effect.
This problem occurs in 2017r2.1 for WIndows, but NOT for Mac – where the entire line gets properly visually selected.
// Highlight alternating rows
If (Row Mod 2 = 0) Then
G.ForeColor = AltRowBackgroundHighlight
G.FillRect(0, 0, G.Width, G.Height)
End If
Presumably I can check and manually paint all cells in a selected row with the selection background color in this loop… And then figure out how to get the text in those cells painted in white?
I tried that, with both “me” and “self”, but no difference. I can’t find any other references to AltRowBackgroundHighlight color in the code. Still strange it works ok as is on Mac version.