I have some Listbox bugs that really annoy me.
For some exists half-workaround, for some not, and this really set some problems on my development.
Some only shows on Windows and some other on Mac.
Here are a list of cases, if someone wants to subscribe, add informations, workarounds or even points.
37341 - Listbox.Change event fires every time on Listbox.EditCell
37344 - Listbox.activeCell never goes to NIL
34382 - Listbox fails to apply format to activecell
30624 - Listbox redraws wrongly on Windows
28116 - Cocoa: Listbox CellKeyDown does not seem to fire when pressing Function Keys (FKeys)
1705 - Contextual menu on multi-selection Listbox changes selection
37361 - Listbox fails on redraw during drag