ListBox Memory Leak with Paint

Do you have any idea how often that event is called???

Maybe you’re on Windows or Linux, but Mac users have their system and apps running for months and often only restart when a system update requires it.

Because Pre-Release Testers does no do their job. Who reported this trouble at beta stage ? :wink:

Many, but not enough; to know, I would set a counter that report it…

[code]Function CellBackgroundPaint(g As Graphics, row As Integer, column As Integer) Handles CellBackgroundPaint as Boolean
If row Mod 2 = 0 Then
g.ForeColor = cmy(0.25,0.25,0.0)

g.ForeColor = cmy(0.0,0.25,0.25)
End If

g.FillRect(0, 0, g.Width, g.Height)

// An event occured
System.DebugLog(“CellBackgroundPaint Event”)
End Function[/code]

You can even add an Integer value to report the number of fired times…

It’s not. See for example

Apple changed their 18 month release cycle to a 12 month cycle with 10.7 Lion to 10.8 Mountain Lion. Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks were not received well, so with Yosemite they changed to the tick-tock model. El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave are all on that new model, see for example

“Recently, we’ve got used to a “tick-tock” approach to OS X. One year’s release would see major updates, while the next would be more of a consolidation, with few big features and plenty of fixes, tweaks and optimisations.

This year feels like a consolidation rather than a revolutionary change. There’s one major feature – the arrival of Siri on the Mac – and a large number of changes designed to keep pace with new features in iOS 10. There are also a few smaller changes, all of which add up to a decent if unspectacular update.”

Mojave: lots of work for the permissions stupidity and “makes my eyes hurt” for DarkMode.
High Sierra: lots of fun for APFS.

My brain doesn’t go back further.

The model should be “stability above all”, with new features being developed aside being added later once you get ONE stable release; it means launched, and no defect reports for a month needing a dot release pursuing stability. I just can’t say to anyone “get the version 20xxry for your new project, that’s the latest stable one”. What’s the latest stable Xojo you guys know?

Does REALstudio count? :wink:

[quote=436878:@Beatrix Willius]Mojave: lots of work for the permissions stupidity and “makes my eyes hurt” for DarkMode.
High Sierra: lots of fun for APFS.[/quote]

High Sierra: a new file system (APFS) is a HUGE feature. I remember lots of warnings to stay with HFS from disgruntled users. Made me stay still on Sierra even today.

Mojave: security (permissions) and eye candy (dark mode), no major features, lots of bug fixes. Considered VERY stable even by the Hackintosh community (and being compared with the gold standard “Snow Leopard”)

The next version 10.15 will “bring” major new features like going 64bit (if you call removing all 32bit parts a new features) and running iOS apps. If they bring out a low-cost ARM based Mac then I would consider that too a major new feature: macOS running on ARM.

Dann haste dich aber a bissl weit aus dem Fenster gelegt mit dem “Unsinn!”. Schwamm drüber.

Please let’s stay on topic. :slight_smile:
This is a serious issue and it should be fixed asap.

[quote=436895:@Sascha S]Please let’s stay on topic. :slight_smile:
This is a serious issue and it should be fixed asap.[/quote]

This is the real topic affecting Xojo, fixing ListBox leakage is just part of it that needs attention ASAP. They are aware, we just don’t know what’s going on 2 weeks after the 2 serious reported bugs were not addressed and they can’t build a simple 2019r1.1 release using the r2019r1.0 code as the base code to publish a “more stable and usable” version, while they are working in the r2 branch.

But we do sort of know whats up.
The reports say fixed - for 2019r2.
They’re just not shipping 2019r1.1 with them for some unstated reason.
What that is I can’t imagine since that hurts anyone whose license expired after 2019r1 was released and before 2019r2 goes out the door. At this point thats at least 8 weeks of renewals or purchases and if they started a beta today with 2019r2 it would be another 4 weeks. So 3 months of renewals & purchases.

I know about a dozen folks who are affected by this who have said “not renewing” at this time which hurts Xojo financially.
They likely would have as 2019r1 seemed to fix a lot of pain points - until these two bugs were reported and, in at least one of my clients cases, explains why the hell their app suddenly chews up RAM just by updating to 2019r1.

They’re in the “wont update until we have to” boat now - no auto renew & no one time paid renewals until they have a version they can test and be sure some issue like this isn’t present. They weren’t - but are now.

I truly don’t understand the decision not to ship those fixes as a point release regardless of timing of 2019r2 or whatever.
Having been part of the team that put 2019r1 together I’m personally disappointed by this decision.
If I were still there I would push like hell to release these fixes as a point release.
I’m not.
Most I can say is I’m sorry its come to the point important fixes like this are shoved to the next release.

Well I’m glad I found out about this, even if it was a day after I issued a major update compiled with 2019r1 that indeed suffers from this (horrifying) leak … good thing I didn’t announce my update yet. I was able to recompile with 2018r4 and resubmit the app before too many users downloaded the leaky version.

Xojo, I think we all understand these things happen, because as developers we too often overlook problems too. But could you perhaps in these situations please send a warning email to developers? Sure, we should be checking for leaks, but if something this serious has been found, I think you should tell us.

I’ll repeat what I said above:

[quote=436716:@Tim Jones]This bug is severe enough and affects such a large group of users, that if a 19r1.1 is not provided, we should see [a] license extension for anyone holding a license that included 19r1, but expired before 19r2 is released which includes the date of release of 19r2.

[quote=436876:@Emile Schwarz]

You can even add an Integer value to report the number of fired times…[/quote]

if nEvents > maxLeaks then MsgBox “You need to quit and restart this application before the wheels fall off” end if

[quote=436927:@Paul Rodman]if nEvents > maxLeaks then MsgBox “You need to quit and restart this application before the wheels fall off” end if[/quote]
And maxLeaks is an undefined dynamic value that is just over the macOS limit for starting to compress application registered memory :slight_smile:

We had indeed already made a fix for the Listbox case being discussed here - that fix, as well as some others - will be present in a point release that will be available for Pre-Release testing shortly.

Thanks @Travis Hill. Have a nice weekend!

Thanks @Travis Hill for communicating that with us.

YES thank you very much for the communication.

I’m always interested is stable versions and completely uninterested on defective ones. I just want licenses for periods where I find the stable ones. I’m waiting for one for years now. Maybe I will be interested in the 2019r1.1, not sure, depends on feedbacks, probably I will not for 2019r2 because new features = new bugs, maybe I will be interested in 2019r2.3, or whatever stable 2019r2 you guys get. Stable ones sells, unstable ones kills interests.

I’m glad to see this is going to happen