I ran you app as-is under Xojo2018r4 and it used 42.4meg of memory, and didn’t seem to change
however, when I ran it with 2019r1 if consumed 1.1meg more memory every few seconds
so I would submit a feedback request if I were you…
[quote=434809:@Dave S]I ran you app as-is under Xojo2018r4 and it used 42.4meg of memory, and didn’t seem to change
however, when I ran it with 2019r1 if consumed 1.1meg more memory every few seconds
so I would submit a feedback request if I were you…[/quote]
Please file a bug request or Xojo wont know about it. This is something they need to know about.
Right, because as Scott said, we were all at XDC last week. Fixing bugs like this typically take several hours and at the conference its rare to have time like that available. But itll get looked at.
It’s perfectly reasonable for me to ask for updates and be keen to have this fixed when this non-cosmetic bug is preventing me using and releasing products which are now a major part of my livelihood.
[quote=435902:@James Cooksey]Where did Scott say that?
No need to snap at a customer of 5 years.
It’s perfectly reasonable for me to ask for updates and be keen to have this fixed when this non-cosmetic bug is preventing me using and releasing products which are now a major part of my livelihood.[/quote]
It wasnt my intention to snap. I was merely trying to restate the fact that we were all otherwise engaged when this conversation began.
This feedback case was created May 3, 2019 and fixed on May 8, with several days in XDC and travel.
For me is a very good response time.
Thank you @William Yu
[quote=435905:@Alberto De Poo]This feedback case was created May 3, 2019 and fixed on May 8, with several days in XDC and travel.
For me is a very good response time.
Fixed is good… but A bug fix that has not been released is effectively not fixed for us… That IMO was a very significant bug that R1 introduced.
Hopefully there will be a point release soon, or R2 will be released significantly sooner than 2 (or more!) months from now… and does not introduce other bugs in existing functionality.