Listbox Fill Full Row Color without gap

Platform : macOS Desktop

I tried a listbox with two columns and tried the following codes to do the alternative background color

if row mod 2 = 0 then
  g.drawingcolor = color.white
  g.drawingcolor = &cEBECD300
 end if 

It does the repainting but there seems to be a black gap between the columns which is more visible when in Dark Mode. Is there a way to remove that ?


It looks like you have the drawing code in the PaintCellText event rather than the PaintCellBackground event.

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Oops you are right. I probably need some sleep. Thanks

Happy to help. Please remember to mark solutions to your questions/issues when they are solved to make it easier for others to see the solution.

I use the following code:

if row mod 2 = 0 then
  g.drawingcolor = color.white
  g.drawingcolor = &cEBECD300
end if 


or even:

g.drawingcolor =  if  (row mod 2 = 0, color.white, &cEBECD300)
g.FillRectangle (0, 0, g.width, g.height)
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Good performance, but less “readable” (for me).