Listbox empty

The database is stored locally on the same folder as the executable (I know, not recommended). The service is running on the same windows 10 computer I am running the browser. Tried Chrome, Edge, Firefox.

The listbox box everytime, until it decides not to load the records anymore.

Hi guys,
Coming back from this. I recompiled my app with 2023R2 to hopefully fix this problem I have with the listbox. I am trying it but in the meantime, I wanted to put a button on the app to “reset” the service just in case it happens again. When I do the following code, the service stops but of course, the next line does not execute to start it again. How can I stop and start the service within itself?

Dim tempString As String 'Used by Windows
Dim tempShell As New Shell 'Used by Windows

tempString = "sc stop " + "Billdashboard"
tempString = "sc start " + "Billdashboard"

Have you tried:

tempString = "sc stop " + "Billdashboard" + " && " + "sc start " + "Billdashboard"

or using a batch file?

I couldn’t get it to work either way. I even have the privileges set to highest on the inspector

Execute the command sc failureflag Billdashboard 1 then use Quit(1) to restart the service. You’ll also need to configure recovery options

SC Failureflag tells the service control manager to treat application crashes as service crashes and therefore apply the recovery options.

@Wayne_Golding - I put restart the service on the first failure but it just stops without restarting when I execute the shell command. What did you mean by " then use Quit(1) to restart the service"?

Executing Quit(1) instead of stopping the service will flag the SCM that the app has stopped with an error code of 1 and will therefore start the service based on the failure recovery settings.