listbox 256 columns limit

I know there is a limit of 64 visible columns in a listbox but I’m reaching a limit of 256 for columncount having only a few visible at a time (less than 20).

Is there any alternative to have a listbox with a few thousand columns, displaying only a few? I believe Einhugur had one but can’t find it.


stylegrid or datagrid

Maybe you could change your setup and keep a reference of the few columns to be seen (less than 20 vs thousand)
Then populate your listbox with the real data to be viewed.

thanks but as far as I know both are for RealStudio and not for Xojo (not sure why not),

thanks but I would need to have an horizontal scrollable listbox. Probably I will have to build my own with a Canvas.

It’s the General Channel , so I do not know if this can be OK for you:

did you try the OS X native Listbox by Rob Egal ?

I need it for both, Windows and Mac.

Regarding that a canvas would be a very large one I believe the best method is follow Antonio’s advice and create subclass of listbox for only displaying a few but keeping rest of data. My main concern is getting a smooth scrolling effect .


I did that for a vertical scrolling linked to a big database, it IS a smooth scrolling, even on a remote postgres database.

It maybe time to seriously refactor.

If you uncouple data storage and presentation, you can have unlimited rows and columns.

The ListBox used to have a limit of 64 columns (visible or invisible does not matter), but it was increased to 256 in Xojo2015r4.

And as @Michel Bujardet notes, refactoring to not use the ListBox for data storage is the best way to avoid any limits.

Thanks to all, I’m working now in a subclass of Listbox with data storage for my project.

Is this data for display only? (as in you don’t need to select a row or column, just scroll around and view it?)
If so, consider using HTMLviewer and creating a custom table.

The reason I mention this is that for a personal project… I am creating a “TV Guide” webpage (using plain HTML) that does exactly this

[quote=278485:@Dave S]Is this data for display only? (as in you don’t need to select a row or column, just scroll around and view it?)
If so, consider using HTMLviewer and creating a custom table.

The reason I mention this is that for a personal project… I am creating a “TV Guide” webpage (using plain HTML) that does exactly this[/quote]

The HTML table is a good idea. I used that in the first version of Fonts Manager. It has smooth scrolling. Unfortunately, the HTMLViewer started chocking after 10,000 fonts (each cell having its own font face). After I used an array, and a listbox just for display, that issue went away.