List of MBS functions available for iOS?


I’m looking for a list of the available functions that the MBS plugin provides for iOS, so I can see what I can add right now to my test app. However, in the documentation, there’s no iOS or mobile topic and I can’t seem to find a way to list them.
Any hint please?

Is this what you’re looking for?

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Well, better look on the Xojo documentation here:

That is the list of classes for iOS.

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That’s close, but it’s for FileMaker.
Thanks anyway.

Thank you, that’s nice.

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I’m seeing classes that are in the list of supported for iOS, yet every method returns an empty (default) value, like, for example, the SystemConfigurationMBS class.
Thus I’m wondering: what makes a class iOS-compliant, beyond some flags?
How are such classes supported (ported to) a given platform if they don’t do anything there?

Just wondering…

If you miss another list in documentation, please let me know.
We write all the pages with a Xojo app and I can of course easily add more stuff.

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