Lifeboat and Valentina DB

Hi, I’m trying to use Lifeboat for deploying my xojo app on a linux debian.

My problem is that I can not get anything to run with valentina on it.
Installing a plain empty “hello world” project with not init of valentina, runs fine.
Now step to.
Just do a init of valentina in open app event… So now the valentina plugin get copied .

Now next I do is copy the vresources into app.level, and all the libs files into the Libs folder… (all the .so. and aliases).
Now the app will not start. Lifeboat gives the status: Inactive, and when trying to run the app I get 502 Bad Gateway (nginx/1.10.3)

When looking into the log of my attempt to start this app, lifeboat says:
Jul 22 21:12:46 ip-172-26-13-163 step242005[16051]: Failed to load plugin
Jul 22 21:12:46 ip-172-26-13-163 step242005[16051]: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Looking into the installed files from the component_64 (linux version), I can only see .1131 and .56 files, no .10422

What is wrong, am I missing some files here ?

cheers Helge

some wrong versions of plugins… but now when corrected I get:

cat: /var/log/lifeboat/test21042242006.log: No such file or directory

? What can this be all about ?

Status is now unknown.

har du kontaktet @Tim_Parnell om dette? Regner med at han har en supportkanal?

Det må jeg sjekke ut ja… ellers, driver du med Xojo på heltid ?

nei, men bruker det til noen sideprosjekter. Vurderer det til et større prosjekt nå, men har ikke helt landa på om jeg tørr ta sjansen, gitt problemene med web 2.0.

Enn du?

Bare hobby, men har gjort den del ting.

Jeg har lagd noen web 1.0 systemer for begravelsesbyrå, bruktbilsalg og kjøreplan for event.
Videre en system for gallerier (Mac app), med valentina basen her også.
Ellers så har jeg 6 apps på mac app store… søk på tjelta så finner du dem.

Mitt første web 2.0 prosjekt er i gang, men jeg søker noe letter deploy, med SSL og camera ting etc…

Det hadde vært fint om vi kanskje kunne på sikt ha litt samarbeid, jeg trenger å vite at det er andre xojo programmerere her i Norge… Bruker du valentina basen også ?

mvh Helge

Det hadde vært fint om vi kanskje kunne på sikt ha litt samarbeid, jeg trenger å vite at det er andre xojo programmerere her i Norge… Bruker du valentina basen også ?

Det må vi få til :grinning:

Jeg har hovedsaklig brukt sqlite for desktop prosjekter, men er fremdeles ubestemt ang. db for web prosjektet.

Egentlig aldri sett på valentina da jeg synes prisen har vært for høy for hobby prosjekter. Men mitt nye web prosjekt må støtte flere typer databaser, så da er nok muligens valentina en av de

I just wanted to stop by and mention that a fix is planned for this. Paradigma has also announced they are working on removing the need for alias files. We don’t know which will come first, but either way together we’ll be making it easier to use ValentinaDB and Lifeboat.


hi tim and thank you for looking into this. any idea on when? also is it possible for you to controll the port of the firewall, to let valentina go through or do I have to do it innthe lightsail admin as I have done now….

hm, looks like we don’t need to do that. It works already. Nice.

Hi Helge,

I am currently trying to work this out before my eye surgery on Monday. At the time being I have fixed the alias / linking issue. I’ve got an email in to Paradigma consulting them about a service stopping issue.

I’d be happy to send you a pre-release build by email if you need this immediately, but the service stopping issue can make Lifeboat seem “stuck” for two minutes as it waits for systemd to time out.

For external access, you will still need to open the ports on the Amazon Lightsail external firewall. Lifeboat maintains a firewall on the Linux instance as well. Opening the port must also be at this level too (ufw for Debian/Ubuntu, firewalld for CentOS). I’ve got other people asking for firewall management, so that may be my next mountain to climb.

Best wishes,
Tim Parnell


prayers with you on Monday
Best of wishes my friend


yeah! but don’t send me a test versiln, I can wait! go get your surgery and take care of your health! :slight_smile: best wishes