When I compile a project, this project, (all with the same Xojo version) for WIndows, are there always the same .dll fles or my they be different ?
During some times, the shared folder does not worked with VirtualBox and so either I send the files thu a web server or I drag and drop it from a MacOS window (folder) to a Windows window (directory).
Because the Libs folder size is 29.7MB, I took the habits to not copy it, only the .exe (3.7MB).
to date, the .exe worked fine on Windows, but I am asking myself (and now you) if this will always works (using the same Xojo version to compile the Windows application).
In my experience, this works OK. You’ll see that the Windows .dll files have the same date each time you compile, which is what you would expect anyway.
The libs will change depending on which Xojo features you use, which Xojo version you use, and which plugins you use. You should not mess with the folder or it’s contents for deployment. You might get away with it in debug, but don’t roll the dice on building the release.
If you’re only testing in the VirtualBox, look into setting up the Remote Debugger. It will save you crazy amounts of time.
If you use the deskop app it’s pretty easy. On the target system (Windows in VirtualBox) open the correct 32/64 debugger app. In Xojo on the development system, open Preferences and select the Debugging tab. With any luck you should see your debug environment. If there’s any hiccups you’ll have to refer to the doc page, I’ve never had problems so I don’t have any heads up warnings for you.
As I say, I’ve done this but only in the context of making minor changes to the app and then testing them again. In this scenario the Xojo version doesn’t change and I don’t use any plugins. Each time I build for Windows the libs don’t change and just copying the new .exe in seems to work fine.