I’m my own worst enemy.
I didn’t let it go…
I went back and fixed the Block Game:
- I removed and re-added the timer and made all the settings correct
- I removed the “Opening” Events and replaced them with “Open” events.
The game now runs! Cool, Ran it, played it for 2-3 minutes and moved on (again)…
But, yeah, I didn’t… Something doesn’t smell right.
I go through and open up other examples, examples I KNOW I have run without a problem last week (in the case of the SQLite database one, I only ran it a couple of days ago. (retrospect: it turns out there are several SQLite demos and I’ve unknowingly been comparing 2 different versions, one is regularly fine, the other is regularly NOT fine)
But it’s not running today.
I’m getting all these same errors again, Buttons implementing “Pressed” events when the superclass has already implemented it.
Yes, I have upgraded my system (Ubuntu 18.04 to Mint 20.04 in the last 24 hours), but I am sure I ran the SQLite application in Xojo 2019R3.2, perhaps it was in 2019R3.1.
These examples, (and I tested a few) all worked in 2019R3.1 on Ubuntu 18.04. I am now about to reboot into 18.04 again and start these examples in both 3.1 and 3.2 and see what happens. Work out if it’s the distribution or not
G’day @Markus Rauch , I have summed it up in my last paragraph, but to be clear, it’s unclear… still working on it, I have an updated post coming shortly, I’ve had a dozen reboots in the last hour testing all sorts of versions and OSs (it’s mostly looking like Xojo not supporting Mint20, but there’s more to it than that, I have failures in Ubuntu 18.04 as well.
One set of problems is coming from Mint20 (but is likely to be a problem in other 20.04 distros
Another set of problems is coming from 2019R3.2 as opposed to 2019R3.1.
Almost everything I tested in U18 R3.1 worked (except SQLBackup, have to reconfirm, I need another reboot and probably wont bother tonight… but knowing me, I probably will)
A lot of what I tested in U18 R3.2 didn’t work, but the text document I saved the info in exited without saving (user error) which is why I need to reboot again (I’ve gone back to that system 3 times already).
I’m not rebooting again, here’s the best recollection I can provide at this second:
M20, X32, I have not run the examples before now, and they are mostly broken (mostly seems to be dependency issue)*
U18, X31, Examples worked fine
U18, X32, SQLExample runs, SQLBackup doesn't, games don't
W10, X31 combat works, didn't bother testing others, can assume they work
W10, X32 tested quite a few, all worked
OSX X31 - All worked
OSX X32 - All Worked
X31/X32 = Xojo 2019R3.1 and 2019R3.2 resp
M20 = Mint 20
U18 = Ubuntu 18.04
W10 = Guesses?
OSX = You know :)
- I was about to install 2019R3.1 on this system but I have the .deb file which wont install because of dependency issues, and I never downloaded the tgz for it. I would like to confirm where the problem lies, but that’ll do it for this thread