Language Reference is missing main Toolbar

Is there any manipulation going on? One hour ago, I had a main toolbar, where I could step back to my last reference, now I have to type in the names of the things I am looking for?

Did you change the view by chance?

no way - there is no button at all. just the blank spce. And I can alter : small icons or big icons and the space varies. But I do not see anything.
This is only in the Language Reference, which you can find on :
but when you call it from XOjo you get only a window without controls for internet (blue questionmark in the middle of the page)

[quote=164248:@Robert Blazek]no way - there is no button at all. just the blank spce. And I can alter : small icons or big icons and the space varies. But I do not see anything.
This is only in the Language Reference, which you can find on :
but when you call it from XOjo you get only a window without controls for internet (blue questionmark in the middle of the page)[/quote]

Post a screen shot.

In the meantime it works again properly. But I didn’t do anything, so it might have been something outside, whatever it was. ???

If the IDE was low on memory, the icons may not have been able to load.

I posted an entry to Feedback yesterday about this and it was closed as not reproducible on Xojo’s end. Here it is the next day and I launch Xojo and click the help button to get the Reference Guide and here is what I see:

That makes it a might miserable adventure using the online help. If I change the preferences to use the local help the toolbar shows fine in Safari. So, it may not be showing up on Xojo’s end but it darn sure is showing up for some of us on the other end.

Oh boy that looks scary. (and not what I originally thought you meant)
In the meantime have you tried Dash?

If you’re using the online reference open it in a web browser

That’s great; but, why does it not work from clicking Help in Xojo. It worked great for a long, long, long time. What is the URL to open it in a browser.

Found it. Will have to resort to creating a web internet location icon on the desktop and click it to go for the Language Reference and other online Docs.

Some folks mentioned using Dash and I do have dash installed; problem is, how up to date is the dash database for Xojo. If they don’t continually update it then I can just as well use the local docs that come with Xojo, although Dash is better than a PDF file so far as viewing goes.

[quote=164462:@Harrie Westphal]Found it. Will have to resort to creating a web internet location icon on the desktop and click it to go for the Language Reference and other online Docs.

Some folks mentioned using Dash and I do have dash installed; problem is, how up to date is the dash database for Xojo. If they don’t continually update it then I can just as well use the local docs that come with Xojo, although Dash is better than a PDF file so far as viewing goes.[/quote]
The Xojo one is 2014r3.2
Someone’s caring for it and keeping it up to date.

The new framework isn’t in there yet, but the developer welcomes people and instructs them on how to create docset files.

I know what this is, I’ve been getting it too. It’s a bug. The main toolbar goes missing if you open the Language Reference from a window editor tab. It opens just fine with the toolbar showing from a tab with code.

To the mystery machine!

I see it too, on Windows 7 64bit. BTW, when it happens you can still traverse back by right clicking and selecting Back from the context menu (at least on Windows).

Nice catch Eric. I know that I would see it some times and not others and never really tried to pay attention to what I was viewing at the time. This has to be a relatively new bug because it is only recently that I have seen the times when the toolbar was missing. I will have to search and see if this exact situation was reported in feedback, and if not, report it so those at Xojo will properly test it.

Put in a bug report for this, 38047, Toolbar missing in help if not viewing a section of code. Gave specific steps to follow to HOPEFULLY get things to show up on the Xojo end this time. After playing with this a bit, once knowing the exact cause, I can readily see why Norman never saw the problem. Never new the exact steps to give him to see it. Hopefully now I have.

I never use that toolbar button either
Had no idea THAT was the culprit
And FWIW if you use the Help Menu you do get buttons
Go figure