I don’t think it’s possible in Xojo as it stands today, but has anyone found a way to have a separate LaunchScreen for landscape and portrait orientations?
supposedly “Xojo for iOS” now supports LaunchScreen Storyboards… where are device/orientation agnostic
Thanks Dave. Yes I’m using a LaunchScreen already, but it looks as though I can’t specify separate portrait and landscape LaunchScreens. The LaunchScreen seems to only be portrait. This is fine on iPhones as my app is locked to portrait on those devices, but on iPads my app can be portrait or landscape and my LaunchScreen doesn’t look quite right on a landscape device. So I was wondering whether anyone had worked out how to display a different LaunchScreen or a different image depending on the device orientation.
A proper Storyboard is as I said device/orientation agnostic. You are using a STORYBOARD, not a Launch “Image”?
I have a simple one (modified from the default Xcode launchscreen.storyboad) that works on all devices (iPhone or iPad) and both portrait and landscape. You cannot have different launch storyboards… just one…
Ah, OK. Then if Xcode doesn’t support it, that would explain why Xojo doesn’t support it. However I did a quick search on SO and it seems that there is a way to do this in Xcode: iPhone Storyboard: different scene for portrait and landscape
Just lay it out in portrait mode with the constraints set so that itll display properly in landscape mode as well. That should work just fine.
Thanks Greg. It does, and yet it also doesnt :). Its a bit difficult to explain. My LaunchScreen is currently a simple coloured view with a logo in the middle and its been fine for awhile on iPhones and iPads in both orientations. It looks like a splash screen, like the one you have with the LinkedIn app, or with the Twitter app, etc.
But I noticed that Apple recommends against creating a splash screen and, instead, recommends a LaunchScreen that represents your apps UI which I guess is designed to create the appearance that your app is running earlier than it is.
You can see examples of this in a number of apps if you terminate them and restart them. The Facebook app, for example, shows some blurry white and blue areas that sort of represent its UI while it starts so your news feed then appears to fill in behind it. Other apps, like Apples own Mail and Contacts app, show top & bottom borders representing the navigation bar and the toolbar, with a plain white background, while the app loads and this looks similar to the final UI that you get when the app has loaded.
So I created a high res image that represented my apps opening view in portrait mode and it looked really good on an iPhone and on an iPad in portrait. It looked as though my app had started sooner than when I only had a very obvious splash screen. But as soon as I rotated the iPad before starting my app, the image is out of proportion to the real first view of my app and the illusion is lost. So I was just trying to improve that.
But it does… not sure what I said that made you think otherwise
there is a huge difference between a Launch STORYBOARD and a Launch IMAGE … for the antiquated IMAGE method you need a specific image for each orientation and device… Except there is no provision made for the 11" iPad
Dave you said:
Which is why I said:
On this:
Yes, I know. Xojo iOS had launch images back in the day but has supported launch storyboards for a few years now. Ive used both. Im not confused about the terms but thanks for weighing in.