Label --> design, typeface in the IDE?

Not that long time ago, in both REALBasic and later Xojo, it was possible to make the design of the Label inside the IDE, in a graphical interface.
Maybe it was removed with the last update because now I can’t find this feature any more?

Do users need to design all labels using code!?
Or, possible copy/paste from previous versions or project…?

It’s still there, just scattered in the inspector.
Text-Align is under the general properties; Font weight, size, and style are on the tab when you click the cog at the top.

OK, silly me… Excuse me!

But strange…
When I look in the list of type faces, there is no Verdana. When I type Verdana it all change back to System. (The default setting…)

There are like crazy many type faces, but not the one I wish to use, the most common one…!
Maybe it’s my computer or my kind of Windows and not at all related to Xojo?
But… Verdana works around in every app, but Xojo!

Strange…just checked and Verdana shows up on my Xojo (Windows 8.1). Maybe download the font and re-register it in your system?

[quote=141668:@Jakob Krabbe]OK, silly me… Excuse me!

But strange…
When I look in the list of type faces, there is no Verdana. When I type Verdana it all change back to System. (The default setting…)

There are like crazy many type faces, but not the one I wish to use, the most common one…!
Maybe it’s my computer or my kind of Windows and not at all related to Xojo?
But… Verdana works around in every app, but Xojo![/quote]

After typing it in the box, click on it in the dropped down menu list, and it will stay.

Wow… That’s not even silly or stupid! That’s beyond this point…!

Well, it works. Great!

Let me complain a little bit more…

When typing “verdana” I press the TAB button. Then, entering the size, 10 for example.

Then, the font style switch back to “System” as I enter the number in the size field…

This is sort of stupid!! It seems as the developers choose the font face for me! It’s possible to change, yes, but not really…!

When I drove taxi earlier in my life, I made the expression, “the customer is always right – but not all the time!”
The font face issue is sort of the same!

Better would be, if there is an option simply just to change the setting global, that ALL fonts would be named Verdana and not System, since all computer has Verdana and it’s possible to include in the design.
I mean, somewhere “System” is the default setting! :slight_smile: