I have a WebContainer with a WebListBox in it.
I want to use the keyboard to navigate up and or down in the listbox.
Is possible?
I not get KeyPressed Event anywhere.
KeyPressed does not fire in WebListbox.
I went all the way up to my WebPage… No Event there either, yet this event is everywhere…
It is not possible to catch the arrows in Internet Explorer and Edge because they simply won’t fire in keypressed.
The only way to catch them is to use the JavaScript onkeydown event.
Clientside scripting is better than roundtripping to the server on every keypress, is my opinion.
Yeah right.
So, move the cursor of the weblistbox client side. It is visually perfectly possible in the Dom. But the app will have no idea what is going on.
Not quite as elegant as you may think.
In the end, the server side app still needs to know on which row the selection bar is. That is where the fun begins