Keyboard shortcuts (Cmd+A, Cmd+C, etc) skip over SaveFileDialog

When the user chooses to save their work in my app, I open a SaveFileDialog to allow them to type a filename.

But if in the filename field of the SaveFileDialog they press Cmd+A to select the filename, or Cmd+V to paste a filename they already have on the clipboard, the SaveFileDialog does not receive the action, instead the action passes through the modal SaveFileDialog to my app’s window where the “Select All” or “Paste” feature of my app is activated. How can I make sure these keyboard events are caught by the SaveFileDialog while it is displayed instead?

How old is the running macOS ?

In your EditCopy (etc.) Events, check if the front window is a Dialog. In that case, Return False.

The worst is Cmd-X… it can cut a (set of) ListBox Row(s)…

Changing the names of Edit Menu items can cause this sort of problem. Did you perhaps rename them?