Keyboard Dismiss

Be nice to add return or a key to decimal keyboard (or all keyboards).

What is the trick to dismiss the keyboard on my app it will not go away!

The decimal keyboard provided by iOS does not include a dismiss key. You could add your own Done button using Jérémie’s iosdesignextensions.

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For a toolbarbutton to close onscreen keyboards:

You can add a MobileToolbarButton and give it the caption “Close Keyboard”. Name it ButtonCloseKeyboard

When the textfield or textarea receives focus, ButtonCloseKeyboard is enabled.

In the toolbarbuttonPressed event, you have this code:

Var a As String = button.Caption

Select Case a  
Case "Close Keyboard"
  ButtonCloseKeyboard.Enabled = False
End Select

In each textarea or textfield, in the FocusedReceived events have this code:

ButtonCloseKeyboard.Enabled = True