I use a MobileMoviePlayer in an iOS App to play an audiobook and by default iOS hides the playback controls. They become visible as soon as the user taps into the playback area (where the video would be visible if it were a video) and hides them after a few seconds.
I found that there is
AVPlayerViewController.showsPlaybackControls as Boolean
in AVFoundation. Not sure if this would help but I wanted to give it a try.
I am trying to access the AVPlayerViewController using declares:
// Declarations to access AVPlayerViewController
Declare Function NSClassFromString Lib "Foundation" (clsName As CFStringRef) As ptr
Declare Function isKindOfClass Lib "UIKit" Selector "isKindOfClass:" (obj_id As ptr, cls As ptr) As Boolean
Declare Function nextResponder Lib "UIKit" Selector "nextResponder" (obj As ptr) As ptr
// Access AVPlayerViewController from the Xojo MoviePlayer
Var AVPlayerViewController As ptr = nextResponder(MediaMoviePlayer.Handle)
If isKindOfClass(AVPlayerViewController, NSClassFromString("AVPlayerViewController")) Then
// Show playback controls
Declare Sub setShowsPlaybackControls Lib "AVKit" Selector "setShowsPlaybackControls:" (obj As ptr, yesNo As Boolean)
setShowsPlaybackControls(AVPlayerViewController, True)
End If
No error occurs but also nothing happens. Maybe I am looking for the wrong thing?