Kaju self-updater talk (v.1.x)

I just released v.1.1. See the README at the project for release notes.


I have some more issues with Kaju.
The Updater shows up but does not download the update zip. There’s no network traffic.
Can the uploader please have a timeout and display a message informing the user about the issue?

And the update window looks a bit strange on Windows 7 32Bit. The Label at the bottom is missing it’s transparency and the buttons at the bottom right corner are a bit to tall.

Maybe “runas /user:Administrator cmd.exe” would do the job. It will ask for a password and start cmd.exe with admin rights.
Another solution may be the use of psexec (http://technet.microsoft.com/de-de/sysinternals/bb897553.aspx) ?

Sascha, do you have “Use GDI+” turned on for your project? I think that will control the transparency there.

I’ll take care of the timeout. Feel free to fix the positioning/height and shoot over a pull request. Note that it might need code within platform-specific pragma to move the controls down on Windows, but I’m not sure how important this will be after the transparency is working.

Roger that and thank you @Kem Tekinay

Regarding the userrights “issue” on Wiondows: I am developing at home and can’t somehow replicate the userrights on my Parallels Windows 7, so that it works like the machines of my clients on Windows 7. Because of this i can’t test a solution regarding the elevating of userrights with psexec. But as far as i understand it, it should be possible to start the DOS batch with a “runas /user:Administrator cmd.exe”. So that the user (or an Admin) can input the password and the script can continue with admin rights.

I need a translation for both German and French:

“The operation has timed out.”

Otherwise, the timeout timer is in the current Develop branch. Can someone test?

For german I can’t think of a variation of “Die Operation hatte einen Timout.”

[quote=158872:@Kem Tekinay]I need a translation for both German and French:

“The operation has timed out.”[/quote]
“Der Vorgang wurde wegen Zeitüberschreitung abgebrochen”

Do i really have to work with an own fork? Because i can’t create push requests to the master. :frowning:

Pushing to https://Schneppi@github.com/ktekinay/Kaju.git remote: Permission to ktekinay/Kaju.git denied to Schneppi. fatal: unable to access 'https://Schneppi@github.com/ktekinay/Kaju.git/': The requested URL returned error: 403

You don’t push directly to me, you push to your GitHub account, then go there and create a “Pull Request” from your branch to my “develop” branch.

We seem to have conflicting German versions. :slight_smile: I think I’ll wait for @Sascha S to make the final determination since he did most of the translation.

[quote=158872:@Kem Tekinay]I need a translation for both German and French:

“The operation has timed out.”[/quote]

Maximum délai expiré.

Thanks Michel. I should have mentioned that I got the French translation from Valdemar who already did the rest. His version:

“Le serveur ne rpond pas.”

It all sounds like music to me. :slight_smile:

[quote=158906:@Kem Tekinay]Thanks Michel. I should have mentioned that I got the French translation from Valdemar who already did the rest. His version:

“Le serveur ne répond pas.”

It all sounds like music to me. :)[/quote]

Both can work.

“Maximum délai expiré” is more litteral.
“Le serveur ne répond pas” means “No response from host”

Whatever suits you best :wink:

Ah, thanks for that. In that case, I think I prefer the more literal version.

Updated for transparency fix, german translations and Kaju Logo. Created a pull request.

BTW: I am working only with the admin app because the Kaju Classes are included within. And i find it confusing to have another Kaju Classes Folder. Is it ok to continue only updating the Admin App?

Yes, both projects point to the same Kaju classes.

BTW, please send pull requests for translations to “Translations” and others to “develop”. It will make my life easier as I don’t update master until a new version is released.

@Kem Tekinay is there a french version I am not seeing on github? you mention French translations above. Has anyone translated it to Spanish yet?