I wanted to have a look on Kaju on the latest XOJO and apparently the app breaks once the project is converted to 2.0, once big fail seems to be App.YieldToNextThread Any idea with what this was replaced ?
@Kem_Tekinay , did you had the chance to test this on the latest XOJO ?
Is there anyone that tested this on the latest XOJO ?
It is very helpful. It converts windows and controls to their new type, including changing the event names were required. It does not mess with your code, which would be dangerous.
I am running into Windows exclusive issues, but don’t know when exactly the problems started. Could have been with an r1 PreRelease or even earlier.
Anyway, the problem is that the hasher fails when Kaju cannot open the BinaryStream after the selected upload was downloaded. Error 23 – another task is having a grip on the file. The same if I try to load the content with FolderItem.ReadFileMBS.
Ulrich, Read my post. I was only responding pun for pun with Ian. You have emailed the wrong person. I apologize for the minor highjack of your thread.
guys, you are hijacking my thread here and misleading users, play nice please, the issue is still there and i ended up taking different approach and using something else.