Kaju: no update data available

I’ve got a super odd Kaju problem. Kaju works fine in the main application. But I have a helper that is always running. 2 users have reported that they got the message “No update data was available.”. I’ve seen the message myself a couple of times now.

I made one of the users a test version and after a couple of days he now gets the message again:

2020-08-11 11:22:43 KajuUpdateChecker.ProcessRaw raw:

Does anyone have an idea how to fix the problem? macOS different versions. Xojo 2019r3. Heavily modified version of Kaju 2.x-ish.

Checking the code in helper app and main app. The code is almost identical:

Helper app with a timer that runs every hour:

'do an update check if a week has passed since the last check

dim lastCheckDate as Date = getPrefDateFromMain(“Updates_LastCheck”, getApplicationBundleID)
if GetPrefBooleanFromMain(“Updates_CheckWeekly”, getApplicationBundleID) and not getMainProcess then

dim CheckDate as new Date

if (lastCheckDate = nil or CheckDate.TotalSeconds - lastCheckDate.TotalSeconds > 60 * 60* 24 * 7) then
dim AppName as String = Replace(app.ApplicationNameMBS, “.debug”, “”)
AppName = NthField(AppName, “.”, 1)
AppName = Trim(AppName)
dim theChecker as new KajuUpdateChecker(SpecialFolder.ApplicationData.Child(AppName), true)
theChecker.ServerPublicRSAKey = globals.RSA
theChecker.UpdateURL = globals.UpdateURL

SetPrefDateToMain("Updates_LastCheck", CheckDate, getApplicationBundleID)

end if
end if

And main app:

'do an update check if a week has passed since the last check

if kMaxVersion = Globals.Version.Lite then Return

dim lastCheckDate as Date = Globals.thePrefs.GetPrefDate(“Updates_LastCheck”)
if Globals.thePrefs.GetPrefBoolean(“Updates_CheckWeekly”) then
dim CheckDate as new Date
if (lastCheckDate = nil or CheckDate.TotalSeconds - lastCheckDate.TotalSeconds > 60 * 60* 24 * 7) and not isArchiving then

dim AppName as String = Replace(app.ApplicationNameMBS, ".debug", "")
AppName = AppName.NthField(".", 1)
AppName = AppName.Trim
dim theChecker as new KajuUpdateChecker(SpecialFolder.ApplicationData.Child(AppName), true)
theChecker.ServerPublicRSAKey = globals.RSA
theChecker.UpdateURL = globals.UpdateURL

Globals.thePrefs.SetPrefDate("Updates_LastCheck", CheckDate)

end if
end if

Why do I have KajuUpdateChecker as local variable and not as property of App?