JSON uses localized decimal charachter on RPI

I have used PreferencesModule by Paul Lefebvre with success on mac, win, linux and Raspberry Pi.
But now I updated Xojo, and it won’t work anymore with Raspberry Pi (might be same with linux).
It works fine in US locale, but with FI locale it uses comma as decimal charachter for double values. And that makes JSON invalid.
With Mac and older Xojo (<2019) JSON always uses dot as decimal charachter regardless of locale, as it should.
I guess the problem is not in PreferencesModule, it is in JSONItem.
If there is some workaround, other than change client locale to US, i would be very happy to hear.


Is it possible to ignore computers locale (fi-FI) and tell application (or just JSONItem) to use locale (en-US)?

Please open an issue with an example project.



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They’re going to need to know what language / locale your computer is set to, as well as which platform the Xojo IDE is running on.

It would also be helpful to add a sample of the bad JSON as well as the example project.

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