Join us for Year of Code 2025

Xojo is kicking off 2025 with something for everyone in the Xojo community, an event that will help new users grow their Xojo coding skills and existing users polish theirs.

Each month from January to November 2025, we will share a blog post that introduces an app “theme”. A week or so later, we will create a Forum topic and post an example project created by one of the Xojo team. To participate in the Year of Code, make a Xojo project that demonstrates the theme in some way and share it.

And of course there will be prizes each month and a grand prize in December 2025!

I’m very excited for this event and hope it brings together the growing Xojo community for coding and learning fun! Read this kickoff blog post to learn more :slight_smile:


btw i wrote a small book about xojo for newbie and published it at amazon :slight_smile:



That’s great!
When did you publish it? First I have heard, well need to visit Amazon soon :grin:

just checked and I see published January 6, 2025 :+1:

Please fix typos and grammar in the Amazon description:

Xojo is a app development environment for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android and Web.
this Book is a entry point for people who start with Xojo IDE in the abstract view.
it is not stretched with source code,
it mentioned minimal the fundamental elements which any software use by text, screenshots and links.
it have around 25 DIN A4 pages and i had input a minimal price possible for kindle shop.

The preview of the book isn’t much better:

At least the search result for Xojo is funny:


hello beatrix, ok done with ChatGPT :slight_smile: update take a while
new cover is