JetBrains Mono Programmer Font

Since we cant comment on blog posts …
With the JetBrains mono font watch what it does with things like >= and <=
At first I thought there was a bug in the IDE - then I realized it was the font itself doing this

And switched back to using Menlo :slight_smile:

I don’t mind the ligatures, but the increased height of the letters makes the font feel very dense. I switched back to Source Code Pro. I think it would do ok with an increased line height.

I just find those ligatures harder to recognize in my code
And why I switched back to menlo

Weird. It doesn’t do that in PHPStorm IDE.

Not all applications recognize ligatures.
And when using CoreText classes you can decide wether you want them.

yeah Source Code Pro semi bold looks great

[quote=473349:@Norman Palardy]With the JetBrains mono font watch what it does with things like >= and <=
At first I thought there was a bug in the IDE - then I realized it was the font itself doing this[/quote]
When the font was first released, I tried this out in Xojo as well. As soon as I saw how it changed the operators, my brain kinda melted and said not gonna happen buddy.

So I switched back to Consolas. Which works great in Xojo on Windows and macOS as well.

likewise - I thought my eyes were giving me trouble as things I knew were written as a >= suddenly were not nearly as readable

and since I dont have the option in the IDE to use or not use ligatures - out the font went and I went back to my preferred font

Ouch ! :frowning:

BTW: it is not a scientific notation ?
(I do not know it, but it could be, even if it looks strange)

Look what I’ve found here .

BTW: what means “REGULAR WIDTH” ?
(mono spaced width ?)

FileMaker allows you to use ? and ? symbols (but you don’t have to) and the font itself keeps the bottom line flat. I don’t like how the Jetbrains font has the bottom stroke at an angle to horizontal, though.

I didn’t like the font either. Went back to Monaco.

“Source Code Pro” is the best coding font I’ve found