I am querying a MS SQL Server database on a server and then trying to store the data in memory for faster access in subsequent queries (filtering etc).
Creating the DatabaseRow object and writing it to an in-memory SQLite database is proving to be very slow (I have several thousand rows of data and 30-40 columns).
Can anyone suggest a faster way to do this?
If rs <> Nil Then
While Not rs.AfterLastRow
dbRow = New DatabaseRow
For col = 0 To rs.ColumnCount - 1
// create and populate row object
ColName = cols(col)
dbRow.Column(ColName).StringValue = rs.ColumnAt(col).StringValue.DefineEncoding(Encodings.WindowsLatin1).ConvertEncoding(Encodings.UTF8)
// add row to sqlite db
ResultsDB.AddRow("Results", dbRow)
End If
Forgive me @Samiul_Hassan1 , but I am trying to understand what you are trying to do.
Are you pulling the data into an in-memory SQLite DB and then going to run the rest of your queries there or are you going to use that data to somehow filter on the data in the SQL Server instance?
I am pulling a larger dataset into an in-memory SQLite DB as a way to cache it. This way if I want to query the dataset based on the user’s inputs etc, I can query the SQLite DB.
The SQL Server DB is on a remote server and hitting it with complex queries frequently can take a while plus add to server demand.
The original query is complex and can take a couple minutes to execute. I want to avoid running the original query over and over by saving the query result in memory, which I can then query based on user interaction.
Edit: Sorry, I just realised you mentioned the original query should cache in memory. I didn’t realise this.
Can we assume that you have worked with the DBA to optimize the query as much as possible or are you personally managing the database structures / performance?
I’m doing almost the same thing. I’m reading from a PostgreSQL database and writing an in-memory SQLite database. I just ran a test and it takes about 5 seconds to create an in-memory SQLite database with about 15 columns and 60k rows.
Are your writes within a transaction?
What do you consider slow in your situation?
Have you tried the profiler?
I just tried putting database writes in a transaction just now and it made no real difference.
If rs <> Nil Then
While Not rs.AfterLastRow
dbRow = New DatabaseRow
For col = 0 To rs.ColumnCount - 1
// create and populate row object
ColName = cols(col)
dbRow.Column(ColName).StringValue = rs.ColumnAt(col).StringValue.DefineEncoding(Encodings.WindowsLatin1).ConvertEncoding(Encodings.UTF8)
// add row to sqlite db
ResultsDB.AddRow("Results", dbRow)
End If
Catch error As DatabaseException
I tested with only 1242 rows of data, and it took 155 seconds to add all rows to the in-memory SQLite database! Any idea why it’s terribly slow?
I manage the queries and optimise for performance. There are things I can do to improve this, but I can see that currently the slowest part is not the database query itself, but writing the data to the in-memory SQLite db. But once the data is in the SQLite db, it’s much faster the query from it, instead of constantly querying the MS SQL Server db.
I tried it and I can’t explain with the WriteToSQLite method is taking so long to run. I moved the AddRow SQLite DB to a separate method and as you can see, it only took around 150ms to run 1333 times!
There is nothing else in the WriteToSQLite method apart from connecting to the SQLite DB and creating a table. So not sure where the rest of the time is being consumed.
Here is the WriteToSQLiteDB method:
// add data to in-memory SQLite database
ResultsDB = New SQLiteDatabase
ResultsDB.ExecuteSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Results")
ResultsDB.ExecuteSQL("CREATE TABLE Results (Col1 VARCHAR, Col2 VARCHAR)") // and so on (30+ columns)
For Each dbRow As DatabaseRow In rs
// add row to db
Catch error As DatabaseException
End Try
That is a lot work in a single transaction.
DROP / CREATE TABLE statements are not usually done within commits as they are difficult to rollback if there is an error.
As for the INSERTs (AddToDB) you may want to do the commits in chunks. Use a counter and for every X number of INSERTs commit them. The advantage here is that you can change the increments until you get the optimal number for performance. Start with 50 or 100 and go from there.
I just tried the following with no real change in performance:
Var RowCounter As Integer
// add data to in-memory SQLite database
ResultsDB = New SQLiteDatabase
ResultsDB.ExecuteSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Results")
ResultsDB.ExecuteSQL("CREATE TABLE Results (Col1 VARCHAR, Col2 VARCHAR)") // and so on (30+ columns)
RowCounter = 0
For Each dbRow As DatabaseRow In rs
RowCounter = RowCounter + 1
// add row to db
// commit transaction every 50 records
If RowCounter Mod 50 = 0 Then
End If
// commit transaction for any remaining records
Catch error As DatabaseException
End Try
I see in the notes that there are 30+ columns. Are one or more of those large text fields?
When you created the table in memory did you use a lot of FKs? (foreign keys)
Also, does the in memory table have a lot of indexes?
I am trying to think of things that I have had work around for large data loads.
It could be there is some underlying SQLite issue at play here that we are not aware of.
The majority fields are within 20 characters. several fields are large text fields. But there are several fields that contain much more text.
Regarding the creation of the table, it is simple as I did above. That’s the only table in the in-memory DB. I didn’t create any FKs or indexes.
In terms of where the original data is coming from (the original query), several fields in the source database could be foreign keys etc but not sure how that would affect the performance of iterating and writing the contents to the in-memory DB?