Is your App too fast?

Some says that Apple is dumping the entire professional market as they chase down India and China mobile phone sales.

At the moment the evidence does seem to support that, and now there’s Xcode playgrounds on the iPad Pro…

The more it goes, the more the iPad pro moves toward something closer to Microsoft Surface. Except in typical Apple way, they haven’t done their agiornamento, and keep the mouse out of the equation out of Steve’s long shadow I suppose.

Hi Ulrich Bogan,

The Affinity Designer Beta is out since a few weeks. Affinity Layout Beta will follow in the first quarter next year if there are no delays.

If you sign up for Affinity Designer Beta, you will be notified when Affinity Layout Beta will become available.

Just visit the Serif home page and scroll down.

In other words:

the main stream market for Apple is the iPhone; it is no more Macintosh (Mac Mini, MacBook, MacPro, etc…)

Once this comes firmly in mind, you start to understand why you have to get a meeting date for your laptop while your friend with an iPhone is “processed” right now.

Did you comes to an Apple Store lately with your computer laptop ?

Please don’t laugh… In Windows there is a Registry Setting to speed up menu animations… it still works today in Win10 (check here)

So each time somebody complains, his or her PC is getting too slow I change this first. Of course you can turn off some eye-candy like shadows, fadings and animations but this is clearly visible and something different than just reducing animation menu speeds :wink: