Is there a generic method for determine if the app is running in Fullscreen mode?

Hi Folks,

I’ve tried testing Self.Fullescreen or theWindow.Fullscreen in my app, (theWindow being the window name) and .Fullscreen seems to be False regardless of the window’s state.

Am I using it incorrectly? This always executes the windowed change code.

If Not theWindow.Fullscreen Then // Do the windowed change else // Do the fullscreen change End If

Or is it a possible bug in the Xojo framework?

Mac OS, IDE 17r2.1

BTW - The debugger property value for the window’s Fullscreen property is also always False.

Hi Tim,

It looks like maximized is different than fullscreen. Here is a quick demonstration program that works on Windows with Xojo 2017 r2.1. Does it work on your unit?


In code you may set fullscreen = true.
Then see what fullscreen reports back in the debugger.
I suspect the same as @Eugene Dakin notes.

[quote=352407:@Eugene Dakin]Hi Tim,

It looks like maximized is different than fullscreen. Here is a quick demonstration program that works on Windows with Xojo 2017 r2.1. Does it work on your unit?[/quote]
So, if I don’t set FullScreen button to True, even thought the app goes fullscreen, it’s really NOT full screen … thus, Window.FullScreen is always equal to False. Thanks, Eugene. @Paul Lefebvre - might be important to note this in the docs for both the window property for enabling the Fullscreen button as well as the boolean Fullscreen property.

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