Is chatGPT good enough?

Today’s Adobe announcement may finally get me to cancel my subscription. I’ve been using Photoshop since I was literally a kid, and my workflow is heavily invested in Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, and Audition, and rarely After Effects. That’s something I really don’t want to migrate away from, but Adobe isn’t giving me much of an option.

My current plan is to wait and see. My brother is an art director at Saturday Night Live, and I have a feeling their legal department is about to ban Adobe products due to this announcement. So I’ll see what his team migrates to. They already have an outright ban on all generative AI due to their unlicensed usage of other artist’s works, so their legal department is pretty picky.


So they’re following th FaceBook model (and mebbe others) ? You can have a free account (or cheap) but we can use anything you upload/post.

Reminds me of Sky. I have a satellite dish, but only for FreeSat, not Sky. Sky had a van in the local town centre once, getting people to sign up to their service. So I went inside, and started by saying "So you presumaby offer two services - one free but with commercials, and the other commercial-free but for a monthly fee. So he said no, we charge you and show commercials. So I told him he had to be joking. Obviously I knew all that beforehand, but you have to wind these people up sometimes.

It isn’t an equivalent but give Krita a try, that is what I use (although I am no professional)

It is also Free and Open Source by KDE, an organization of great software all run on donations.