iPad Dock Icon not opening app


I have an iPad app (Xojo 2019r2) deployed to a physical iPad Pro device (iOS 13.1.3).

When the app is open there is an extra icon placed on the iPad « dock », on the right side of the dock where the last 3 apps are shown.
However, this dock icon doesn’t work, i.e. it doesn’t (re)open the app.

Rem: the icon is not manually placed in the « favorites » (left) part of the doc. It’s just automatically placed on the right side of the doc when the app opens the first time

The regular app icon works fine.
I have another Xojo iOS app which dock icon works fine (also Xojo 2019r2).

All other apps (not Xojo) dock icons are working fine.

Are there any plist entries or other settings needed to have this dock icon being operational ?

My info.plist has only sharing enabled:

[quote]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

UIFileSharingEnabled [/quote]

Removing the dock icon, reinstalling the app doesn’t solve the problem.

Thanks !

First update to 2019r2.1

Just did it, no improvement.

I installed the iOS version 13.2.3 and the problem is fixed.

Working fine with 2019r2 and 2019r2.1builds.