iOSMobileTableRowAction Tag Crash

I have updated OS and Xcode to latest in the last couple days.
Now Im finding that if I set the tag property of an IOSMobileTableRowAction it instantly crashes.
I don’t know that it’s related to the OS or Xcode, but I’m also not seeing any reference to this in the feedback page.

Any insight?

Does this crash in the simulator? If so, do you have your machine set to show crashes as a notification or a dialog? We can probably track it down that way if necessary.

Also, is it only certain types of data set to the tag or anything?

Just figured it out. If the tag is set in the constructor it works. If added after, it crashes.

I filed a bug report.

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This simple code in iOSMobileTable.ApplyActionsForRow event crashes:

Function ApplyActionsForRow(section As Integer, row As Integer) Handles ApplyActionsForRow as iOSMobileTableRowAction()
  Var action As New iOSMobileTableRowAction(iOSMobileTableRowAction.Styles.Normal, "test")

  Return Array(action)
End Function