If you are using iOSKit its all handled easily. I recommend you use the Extensions.SwipeView which has them baked in and properly handled and mapped back to Xojo coordinates by default. You can also just use the recognizers directly on your views. Up to you
I’ve fixed it by switching a couple of Singles parameters to be CGFloat.
(Honestly, I cannot get iOSKit to play nice.
I’ve no doubt it is a powerful set of functions but its overwhelming , and every time I have tried to incorporate it I ended up with a pile of errors I didnt know how to resolve.)
This sort of stuff should be part of the framework, given that it’s 3 times the price of a desktop licence.
Cant believe it still isn’t.
[quote=401591:@Jeff Tullin]Honestly, I cannot get iOSKit to play nice.
I’ve no doubt it is a powerful set of functions but its overwhelming , and every time I have tried to incorporate it I ended up with a pile of errors I didnt know how to resolve.[/quote]
I don’t want to take this thread off its original purpose but I’m interested in why you’re having trouble with this. Would you be able to DM me the other libraries/classes from here that you are using? It should all be compatible so the fact is isn’t is worrying. Unless you are using an old version of iOSLib (different from iOSKit) since that is known to not be compatible (and may prevent you from submitting to the AppStore, some functions are no longer considered public by Apple).