How much of the location services (CoreLocation) API do you need access to? Here is a basic project I have from a few weeks ago which will allow you to determine the latitude and longitude of the iDevice. Accessing the rest of CoreLocation is possible through declares if you are interested in pursuing it.
[quote=161707:@Helge Tjelta]2. Support for 3rd party plugs, I would like to have the valentina DB plugin to work.
Probably not til iOS 7 is dropped as a supported platform as only iOS 8 would even start to make this possible
That’s my understanding of the issues
You’re in luck then. The course property of the CLLocation class is the current bearing. A value of 0 is north, 90 is east, 180 is south, etc. If the value is negative something went wrong so you shouldn’t use it.
for iOS8:
You have to add some key to the app plist (easy to do in Xojo)
if your app need access to the device location even when is in background:
add the key NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription
if your app need access to the device location only in foreground:
add the key NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription
add also a key NSLocationUsageDescription
for every key you add you have to add a string with the explanation that will presented to the user at first run (or location request) and in the privacy setting.
you can write a small plist, in this case just the header and the dictionary with key and string.
drag it to the navigator
When you compile your app Xojo will “correct” the generated plist file with these information.
The only limitation is that you can add only a plist. So if you have to make multiple correction you have to put all of them in this plist.