iOS Try/Catch

So on Desktop & iOS Simulator the following is perfectly fine:

End Try

However when you go to build it hard crashes the entire IDE. Took me a long time to figure this out. Turns out all you have to do is handle the appropriate exception. In my case:

Catch e As RuntimeException
End Try

Just an FYI for anyone who searches in the future.

Good catch, Phillip. Though, I have to wonder if this was intentional or not. Have you submitted a Feedback Case for it?

Yes, good catch (no pun intended)… it seems to have fixed my iOS build crash…

This definitely shouldn’t crash the IDE. Please file a bug report.

No but I will. I’ve been kind of nocturnal lately and I was trying to push out a build and this kept me from going to bed… this morning. I’ll write it up very soon.