Using iOSKit you could add a swipe gesture recognizer to a canvas and then change what is displayed when the swipe event is triggered. So definitely possible and should be pretty easy even.
Thank you. Thats looking good, but is there something more “neutral”?
My big hope would be, that I can use the same source code or a lot of the souce code for iOS and in the upcoming Xojo for Android.
If I use ioskit, I think, I have to rewrite most of the code.
Proper gesture support (swipes, flicks, pinches, touch and hold and more) should have been there from day 1. They’re one of the defining features of iOS. Without them, it’s akin to having a Mac app without mouse support.
You can do this by using the parameter pos (xojo.core.point) in the PointerDown, PointerUp and PointerDrag events of the canvas.
I.e. Use the PointerDown event as the Startpoint and then check the differences of the pos in the other events. In the PointerDrag event you can use the eventInfo.PointerCount parameter to check out if there are 1 or more fingers on the canvas (zoom in/out i.e.).
It’s some work, but pure xojo code.
[quote=375626:@Hans-Jürgen Müller]You can do this by using the parameter pos (xojo.core.point) in the PointerDown, PointerUp and PointerDrag events of the canvas.
I.e. Use the PointerDown event as the Startpoint and then check the differences of the pos in the other events. In the PointerDrag event you can use the eventInfo.PointerCount parameter to check out if there are 1 or more fingers on the canvas (zoom in/out i.e.).
It’s some work, but pure xojo code.[/quote]
Thanks for this Hans-Jürgen!