iOS Support?

Any News about this? When will it be available ?

Have you searched the forum? Read the multitude of answers to this same question?
the answer is NO

@Dave S : FWIW, searching for iOS returns no results because it’s only 3 characters. When suggesting something like this, please try the search first.

That was my issue :wink:
So, ok no iOS so far… sad

[quote=57192:@Marco Rebsamen]That was my issue :wink:
So, ok no iOS so far… sad[/quote]

No worries, asking doesn’t hurt, and this forum is for asking and answering. It supposed to enter Beta soon . I better prefer to wait 3-6 months more and have an stable release than a problematic release. We all are expecting iOS, you are not the only one :wink:

I am hedging my bet on early 2015 for a stable production ready IOS release.

Here’s some guesses

Sorry, but not me.

Don’t you mean 36 months :slight_smile:
But seriously, I found the original RealBasic took about that long to become something really useful.

I am definitely waiting for the iOS support release. Plus, I’ve searched this forum numerous ways with no actual answer other than what was said on the blog.

“It’ll be here when it gets here.”

But I’m afraid to buy a license only for it to expire before iOS support is released OR for it not to be included in the license I purchased.

[quote=57443:@Noisome Poison]
But I’m afraid to buy a license only for it to expire before iOS support is released OR for it not to be included in the license I purchased.[/quote]
Then don’t buy one until it is here unless you need it for some other reason

I have no privileged info on the issue date, but am waiting, like many others, for IOS support. But if licensing works like Web and Desktop, I do not see why you should not get a license for the current platforms. Chances are iOS will be a new platform altogether, and you will probably need to purchase in order to build, as it stands today.

Another thing that is overlooked in the forum is that iOS cannot be installed on a device, unless you acquire an Apple iOS developer license for $99.00 a year. That is, for selling in the Apple Store. Installing on “private” devices without going through the Apple store requires yet another license.

So in effect, running apps on iOS devices will not be just a matter of getting Xojo.

Need? Never. Want? For sure.

That’s my main goal. I use other ways to make apps now, but I’d rather have the all-in-one IDE/compiler that is Xojo. I’ve been watching for years (say for over 5 years) for the right time to buy a license. I almost bit when the Web-edition came out, making plenty of games with it. But at that time I wasn’t in the best position to do so. Where I’m at now though, and when iOS support is announced, I will most certainly tell them to shut up and take my money. :slight_smile:

You have to buy TWO Apple Dev licenses to do anything constructive with iOS (regardless of Xojo or Xcode etc)?
One to install on your own device, and one for the App Store???
and then yet another to sell OSX in the App store… So $300 a year for the privledge to sell software???

Or am I confused?

You have to buy one for Mac apps and another for iOS apps. I think that comes out to $200 per year combined.

[quote=57502:@Dave S]You have to buy TWO Apple Dev licenses to do anything constructive with iOS (regardless of Xojo or Xcode etc)?
One to install on your own device, and one for the App Store???
and then yet another to sell OSX in the App store… So $300 a year for the privledge to sell software???

Or am I confused?[/quote]

You’re not confused. $100 to test on your own device, $100 to sell in the iOS app store and $100 to sell in the OSX App store.

Ok… now we have two opposing answers…
I really have a problem paying for the RIGHT to sell software… and yes without getting into a debate… I feel it is a right.

My point is that you don’t have to spend a cent until you know the things you need are there & working and you can even eventually try them out BEFORE buying a license.

What you’re paying for is Apple’s marketing. If you don’t want them to market it for you, you are free to sell it elsewhere and market it yourself. (Actually, you are free to do that no matter what.)

Personally, I’ve found it to be worth it, but naturally you’re taking a risk with the initial subscription.

As for the other question, I don’t recall the “$100 for your device fee”, but I haven’t done the iOS part of it in a while either.

[quote=57513:@Dave S]Ok… now we have two opposing answers…
I really have a problem paying for the RIGHT to sell software… and yes without getting into a debate… I feel it is a right.[/quote]

You retain the right to sell all the software you want through whatever means you want - and when you want Apple to sell it in their stores then you pay for that access.